Political Corruption


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Hunter Biden, Joe Dementia Biden, John Kerry and his stepson Chris "Ketchup Boy" Heinz are scumbags through and through. Too bad horsewhipping people is no longer a thing. I could throw many Democrats into this category, and some Republicans fit the bill as well.

This report is extensive but fairly interesting. The Dems just can't quit using Russia, Russia, Russia either as an explanation for their bad behavior or as an accusation against their opponents
https://www.hsgac.senate.gov/imo/media/doc/Ukraine Report_FINAL.pdf
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Hunter Biden, Joe Dementia Biden, John Kerry and his stepson Chris are scumbags through and through. Too bad horsewhipping people is no longer a thing. I could throw many Democrats into this category, and some Republicans fit the bill as well.

This report is extensive but fairly interesting. The Dems just can't quit using Russia, Russia, Russia either as an explanation for their bad behavior or as an accusation against their opponents
https://www.hsgac.senate.gov/imo/media/doc/Ukraine Report_FINAL.pdf

The Dems are able to say and do whatever they want because they have locked in the Liberal Industrial Patronage Complex.

People don't bite the hand that feeds them. So by enflaming people, giving them a target to blame along with free money and advantage in the courts and the job market, they ensure the votes will come there way.

No matter what they say. No matter what they do. No matter what proof exits. The patronage complex is like a family that does not criticize itself.
The Dems are able to say and do whatever they want because they have locked in the Liberal Industrial Patronage Complex.

People don't bite the hand that feeds them. So by enflaming people, giving them a target to blame along with free money and advantage in the courts and the job market, they ensure the votes will come there way.

No matter what they say. No matter what they do. No matter what proof exits. The patronage complex is like a family that does not criticize itself.
So you need to elect someone to drain the swamp! That didn't work out too well. You elected someone who was the most immature, corrupt, craven person to ever hold the office to fix that and it went poorly. He lost states that saw GOP senators get elected.
So you need to elect someone to drain the swamp! That didn't work out too well. You elected someone who was the most immature, corrupt, craven person to ever hold the office to fix that and it went poorly. He lost states that saw GOP senators get elected.

Well, the "drain the swamp" sentiment is still valid. Trump was Trump. It doesn't mean the swamp isn't a cesspool of lying hypocrites. Nobody cared about Biden's family living off their privilege. Hell, they elected him President.
Well, the "drain the swamp" sentiment is still valid. Trump was Trump. It doesn't mean the swamp isn't a cesspool of lying hypocrites. Nobody cared about Biden's family living off their privilege. Hell, they elected him President.
Trump will fix it!
Well, the "drain the swamp" sentiment is still valid. Trump was Trump. It doesn't mean the swamp isn't a cesspool of lying hypocrites. Nobody cared about Biden's family living off their privilege. Hell, they elected him President.
Biden was admittedly an unexciting choice for president. He looked good only in comparison to a spectacular liar whose inner circle is rife with felons he has pardoned. People love Donald Trump for the same reason they love Beth Dutton of Yellowstone...wacky displays of hostility and bad manners that they seemingly get away with.
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Biden was admittedly an unexciting choice for president. He looked good only in comparison to a spectacular liar whose inner circle is rife with felons he has pardoned. People love Donald Trump for the same reason they love Beth Dutton of Yellowstone...wacky displays of hostility and bad manners that they seemingly get away with.

I liked the peace and prosperity that Trump brought us prior to the pandemic. I wish he had been reelected for the obvious reasons. $4 plus prices at the pump, a raging war in Europe, a country even more divided today than ever. No one with a straight face can claim we're better off with Biden
Biden was admittedly an unexciting choice for president. He looked good only in comparison to a spectacular liar whose inner circle is rife with felons he has pardoned. People love Donald Trump for the same reason they love Beth Dutton of Yellowstone...wacky displays of hostility and bad manners that they seemingly get away with.
All subjective B.S. Of course, listing anything objective hurts your biased narrative and poor election choice.
Biden was admittedly an unexciting choice for president. He looked good only in comparison to a spectacular liar whose inner circle is rife with felons he has pardoned. People love Donald Trump for the same reason they love Beth Dutton of Yellowstone...wacky displays of hostility and bad manners that they seemingly get away with.

I had to google who Beth Dutton is but can now say I like her for a different reason than Donald Trump.
I'm not defending him at all. What is he doing with any US policy at the current time?

That's a weak excuse. The fact that Hunter never cared enough about policy to get involved in it doesn't mitigate what was wrong with him. The problem with him is that he used his father's position to secure sleazy business arrangements that made him (and likely his father) wealthy. If anyone else made the same life choices, he'd be a homeless bum or worse.
That's a weak excuse. The fact that Hunter never cared enough about policy to get involved in it doesn't mitigate what was wrong with him. The problem with him is that he used his father's position to secure sleazy business arrangements that made him (and likely his father) wealthy. If anyone else made the same life choices, he'd be a homeless bum or worse.
Maybe the use of the word policy was lazy. What has hunter done other than art for the last 2-3 years? Nothing that I know of.

Don jr is doing rails and making videos that would fit in here. He’s also doing cameo. For a couple of Benjamin’s he could insult your golf buddies. Jared, ivanka, Eric?
Maybe the use of the word policy was lazy. What has hunter done other than art for the last 2-3 years? Nothing that I know of.

Whom has OJ murdered in the last 27 years?

First, I'm sure his dad is telling him to keep his nose relatively clean until after the election. Second, how did he make the money to be able to become a professional "artist?" Don't you wonder how a guy who got kicked out of the military has the coin to buy hookers and cocaine and basically retire and become a painter? I've never gotten with a hooker, but I understand they're pretty expensive outside of Oklahoma. Finally who exactly is buying this art and for what? Don't you wonder even a little?

Don jr is doing rails and making videos that would fit in here. He’s also doing cameo. For a couple of Benjamin’s he could insult your golf buddies. Jared, ivanka, Eric?

I'm no Trump apologist, but they are friggin choir boys by comparison, and it would be a collosal and neverending media onslaught if they weren't. The Burisma thing was slimy, but the connections with Chinese state entities are far more worrisome. Illegal or not, it's very questionable stuff not just because of him making money off his dad but because it's with an enemy of the United States.
I liked the peace and prosperity that Trump brought us prior to the pandemic. I wish he had been reelected for the obvious reasons. $4 plus prices at the pump, a raging war in Europe, a country even more divided today than ever. No one with a straight face can claim we're better off with Biden

But they can say it with a straight face. I'm paraphrasing but a few Liberals I've heard say that they want a nice guy (woman) as President. Their feelings are so all consuming that the image is paramount to their daily being. I'm in my view, I'm not exaggerating at all. They are a mess and Trump's bravado in and of itself made it a hateful world in their view and it impacted their lives.

I know a Corporate Controller who was highly offended by the whole "sh*t-hole country" thing. He said, we don't need a President who talks like that. Of course, it didn't matter that this sh*t-hole country was in fact a sh*t-hole country. Apparently, Obama swayed him to such an extent that he has now prioritized manner versus policy.

It's about as weak as it gets but that's how they are. And it won't be with a straight face; it will be delivered (that we're better off) with emotional defiance.
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That's a weak excuse. The fact that Hunter never cared enough about policy to get involved in it doesn't mitigate what was wrong with him. The problem with him is that he used his father's position to secure sleazy business arrangements that made him (and likely his father) wealthy. If anyone else made the same life choices, he'd be a homeless bum or worse.

Ukraine military (Azov Battallion) has shot at its own people and now this.
I will never stand with Ukraine. Never!
MSM has been lying about Ukraine!
Much has been said of the Azov battalion. But don't forget Right Sector, Svboda, and C-14. They have all been killing Russian speaking Ukrainians for years, and participated in removing Yanukovych with violence against Ukrainians.

The US should stay out of this nasty, corrupt part of the world.