points or yards a game?


250+ Posts
In the first two games UT is allowing 11.5 pts against teams who throw the ball. Is that not good enough? Who cares how many yards they are getting; as long as they are not scoring or reaching the red zone. I'm a big time UT fan and I can not believe how spoiled some of our fans. Complaining about yards given up, weaknesses in the defense and we need more sacks...comeon now, what do you expect from some of the guys who just played their second career game. It will get better !!!!!!
DING! DING! DING! You are correct sir. Just posted this on the blitz package thread: Scoring defense. Scoring defense. Scoring defense. Second half points? ZERO. Second half points? ZERO. Second half points? ZERO. Sky not falling. Sky not falling. Sky not falling. The myopia on this board is truly mind numbing.
I agree that scoring defense is the only thing that matters, and we're doing well so far. But once our competition starts getting a little stiffer than the FAU's and UTEP's of the world, all those yards are going to start turning into points.
It seems to me that this season is starting off as predicted. The OOC games will allow the young secondary to make and correct mistakes and get experience they will need when we begin conference play. So far, we're doing better than last season.
Some of you guys have the football IQ of a earthworm.

Early non-conference games are a lot like NFL pre-season expect for the fact that you damn well better win. The final score counts, but you are evaluating how the team performs in every aspect of the game. So far, our defense is not playing anything close to championship football. We do not seem well prepared to start games, and our pass rush is not effective.

Yes, yes, yes, the points are what really matter. But if you think that it is no cause for concern to give up 23 first downs, 4.7 YPC, and 412 yards to UTEP, then you are fooling yourself. What UTEP's players lack in ability, composure, whatever to convert some of those drives to points..I can promise you that Big XII teams like OU and Missouri have. We need to get a lot better and quickly.

The only real positive that I have seen from our defense in the first two games is the effort. Our guys are trying really hard, but the results just are not there. We are over-running plays, and seem out of control at times. We are also not tackling well. I thought after the first game that might just be a transition from camp to full contact, but it was still bad this week.

I have seriously rolled back my optimism for this defensive unit. Our young DB's are going to improve slowly, but they need help from the front 7. You guys who are saying that we are "holding back the blitz package" better be right, because what we are doing now is not getting it done.
the sky is not falling, but there is reason for some concern. the yards that utep gained are more worrisome than the fau yards. while i expect to beat arky fairly handily, this game should shed more light on our progress. let's hope it's a step in the right direction. quality opponents are right around the corner.
There's only reason for concern if you expect this team to win an MNC. Otherwise it's about what I expected. If we had a lights-out, veteran secondary, then we'd be in the MNC discussion. But we don't. This team can still beat Oklahoma with guts. Enjoy the season. We're probably not going to go undefeated.
Well stated already: we would have cause for concern if this was a veteran group of DBs and a defense that had been in place for their entire time at UT. It is a new defense, with a new coordinator, and lots of freshman, RS fresh, and sophs. The defense is a work in progress, and we will likely get abused by at least one or two offenses this season.
It is true that this team is not playing championship caliber football. I have a news flash. This team was not expeced to play championship caliber football. We are not as good as Missouri or OU. Can we beat those teams? On a good day ,yes. We may not get a B12 championship out of this season, but a BCS game is still possible.
When I see a team of UTEP's caliber outgain us, I get concerned. What part of getting outrushed and nearly outpassed excites anybody?
OK we are supposed to improve from game one to game two, but UTEP isn't.

I was at the game and UTEP had some players.

Would like to have seen a different total defensive result, but I'm not ready to play chicken little just yet. I think things will continue to improve, and I can't change it if they don't.

I'll just enjoy watching them improve and at the very least enjoy watching a defense that looks like they care.