Pobre Mexico


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In our first twenty years we got George Washington and Thomas Jefferson and then we got Madison and Monroe. I'm leaving out ADAMS because of the alien and sedition acts.

Mexico got Santa Anna over and over and over.

He died broke and despised on this day in 1876, forty years after his disasters in Texas.
Let it go, Bro
yet they kept putting him in charge of their military and leader of their country.
Thank goodness he was their leader during the Pastry battle.
hard to say who was more worthless
him or the French
Major: he is more despised there than here. Among other things, he undermined the rule of law, stole repeatedly to raise and support his armies, lost the biggest war in their history and lost more territory than Thomas Jefferson bought, married a teenager who was young enough to be his granddaughter, betrayed most of his allies, switched allegiances to various political platforms repeatedly, sold southern Arizona to the US, etc, etc.

To say he is without honor in the country he was president of numerous times would be an understatement.,

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