Please help me understand!

DE - Hager, Roach, Graham, Bimage, Omenihu
DT - Nelson, Wilbon, Giles, Chisholm
It's not the formation, it's the guys wearing the uniforms. Not one of them will last more than 2-3 years in the league and probably not that long. In fact that goes for the entire defense except some of the freshman who play. Do you think the Alabama offense and Tua in particular is so good because Mike Locksley is the OC?
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Why do you dislike pompoms? I stand by my post 100%. As coach Royal said and I most likely paraphrase 'sometimes it's not about the x's & o's, it's about the jimmie's & joe's. Did he not know what he was talking about as well?
From a schematic standpoint, what advantage does Orlando perceive running a three man front?

It's not like he's running a concept that hasn't been embraced by plenty of top defensive minds. Ultimately a 3-4 or 4-3 just boils down to how you use that fourth d-lineman. There was a time we ran a "4-3" but the weakside DL was basically a stand-up rusher half the time. He's a big linebacker, and had big linebacker responsibilities. So you put a guy there who's 6-5, 280, he has absolutely no chance of doing that. He holds up well against the rush, but in the Big XII, what is your priority?

Iowa State's "blueprint" defensive scheme has worked pretty well, and frankly it worked well for Orlando last year. The difference this season has been in execution and lack of depth. (We didn't have that much depth last year either but we had fewer injuries on the back side, and better play from the starters.)

The advantage is that you have a lot more ability to run people down in space, cover the pass while still collapsing on the run game with athletic linebackers and safeties. It takes performance from your DL that we haven't received this year, and discipline from your LBs that we don't always get.
I'll amen the critique on this 3 down lineman front as a base defense. Unless you have superman in the middle who can overcome the center and both guards to put pressure on the QB from the shotgun ... or at least leave one of the DE's with a single blocker to beat ... there's VERY little pressure on the QB.

Did Leon Fuller use the 3-2-6 to beat ... to WHIP ... the flash-in-the-pan Houston Nights club's Run/shoot?

I understand about the "jimmy/joes" ... but our dime defensive backfield didn't exactly stop Tech. we took great advantage of Duffey's miscues and that's a good thing, but our Defense didn't stop 'em enough.

The other part of this is a routine failure to "set/secure" the edge in the run defense. As many times as we were gashed up the middle with draws/screens ... they got around our corner PLENTY of times. I think a lot of that is having no DE playing outside technique ... because then there's too big of a gap in the middle.

we're relying upon the nickle/dime safety to seal the edge ... and he's starting 10-12 yards behind the LOS having to recognize run and move (he's already behind) ... rather than having a 250 pounder already there who only needs to move laterally with LB support behind him.
The other part of this is a routine failure to "set/secure" the edge in the run defense. As many times as we were gashed up the middle with draws/screens ... they got around our corner PLENTY of times.
Bingo!^^^ Since the first game (remember the jet sweep) teams have gashed the edge for BIG gains from the first quarter to the last. This may be the biggest flaw on our Defense. No never mind, being gashed on the long ball multiple times may be the biggest flaw; No never mind, getting no consistent pass rush may be the biggest flaw; No never mind...
I keep reading we don't need to recruit more DT's. I have to ask, why not? Our run defense was awesome last year with Poona. This year it's bad. What would we give for another Poona, or Malcom Brown? It seems like real difference maker at DTis one thing we're lacking.
Man, we just won the game. Defense struggled with 2nd and 3rd stringers. I don’t disagree with some of these post, but can’t we just enjoy the win for at least 24 hours??? Last year we bashed Sam and the offense. Beck and Sam sucked. Orlando was the end all be all. This year, the exact opposite. It’s called rebuilding folks. We don’t have all the pieces yet, but at least we are winning. Funny how so many armchair QBs know more than coaches with much more knowledge and experience than any of us. Enjoy the win people!!!
We were down to some third string D-backs. If we had played four down, some would be asking why we didn't have more numbers in the backfield.
some would be asking why we didn't have more numbers in the backfield.

I wouldn't ask that question ... not until the rules change which prohibit rushing the QB. (standby for that one, arguably it's partially here already)

4 should be the minimum for a base defense. I'm not even a fan of 3-4.