Playoff Predictions


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After yesterdays events and hoping for a similar outcome next week I am wondering what this fiasco could wind up looking like.
Personally I thing the bigger mess the sooner we get a proper eight team playoff.

Right now it seems like, in no particular order, Oklahoma, Clemson, Wisconsin and Auburn will be top four on Tuesday. Any or all of these teams could loose next week. Would that not be sweet. If at least a couple of them loose chaos would prevail and leave a cause for discussion for years to come.

Ohio state, USC, Georgia and Penn state would all be clamoring for a spot and Alabama would probably get back in.

Just remembering the days when were splitting fractions in order to get to play USC in the Rose Bowl.
Reams of threads addressing what should be ...

Conference champion/runner-up seeding a playoff bracket to a National Championship game ... but evidently it'll never happen.

Football will die as a major sport before the NCAA actually crowns a National title in Div 1 Football.