Perrilloux cleared to practice

LSU still recruiting bad *** players and getting them. There is no penalty for wrongdoings in college sports, especially football.

RP was in the white house today, haha.
While at LSU Perrilloux has been charged with one criminal offense, trying to get onto a riverboat casino with his older brother's ID. That is hardly a major crime. Should the punishment be much more severe than the punishment for underage drinking? How many college athletes get caught committing that offense?

Les Miles isn't the only coach to look the other way when a key player gets in trouble. How did Saint Mack discipline Cedric Benson when he went looking for his big screen? Have standards evolved in the few years since Cedric's conduct that coaches now have to be less tolerant of poor judgement exercised by young men?
I seem to remember around national championship time someone asking for the world to open up and just swallow Louisiana since tOSU and LSU were there.

I still have regrets of this event not coming to fruition.
Let's break out the checklist, kids...

1. Swallows to Capistrano
2. Purple martins to my daddy's martin boxes
3. Perrilloux cleared to practice

Yep, its springtime.
There are plenty od oaches you can lump together (even ours).
Mack Brown- Book'em horns, cedric benson tv, parties, Pot, etc.. Ricky Williams- skipping stuff, alot of Pot
Pete Carroll- Matt Sanchez, reggie bush stuff, Lienart apartment payment stuff, etc.....
Urban Meyer- Tow truck parking lot incident, players testing positive for pot then playing, etc...
OU- Need I say more
FSU- cheating, etc...
Miami- need I say more
Ohio State
Alabama- textbook scandal, cheating, multiple fights & arrests, etc...
Auburn- textbooks, cheating, etc...
LSU- Has already been discussed at length on here.

There are more, but you get the point.
Notice how all of the teams listed have issues and that most of them are the best programs in the country. This happens at every school. It is Unfortunate though for coaches, players, and fanbases.
For a "Horn,"
you sure might want to check your "facts."
In reply to:

Yes LSU has been talked about to great lengths. In fact I've talked about them so already I feel like I've failed this message board.

That being said, why bother trying to compare Miles to Mack in how they run their teams. Perrilloux is like a damn cat with 9 lives only his are chances, and they're unlimited. Look at the worst of what's happened the past year under Mack. Obviously Dre Jones, James Henry, etc. Gone. What happened to those that messed up with the law? Pay their due to the city first then disciplinary action satisfactory to Mack. At UT the university doesn't interfere with any non-university related incidents that a student may find themselves in.

I'm not anointing sainthood here however Mack takes care of the image of his team and really cares about it. The only similarity you can ever use between Miles and Mack is that they're both associated with football.
Wouldn't it be absolutely great if Jarrett Lee beat Shirley, er, I mean Perrilloux out for the starting QB job at LSU this fall?

Very few college players have created as much bad karma for themselves as Perrilloux has thus far in his short and undistinguished career.
I guess looking at the situations w/o Orange colored glasses is considered aggy. That is sad. Just goes to show that some people can't look upon things objectively.
It never fails. I see a RP/LSU thread, and Eating Club is always, ALWAYS the most recent poster.

Your hate is pathological dude.
Orange-colored glasses. At this point I'm looking through Justice's Blindfold and still have 20-20 vision on what the situation is.