Perception vs. Reality


500+ Posts

I remember when it was announced that USC would be playing in Austin in 2018. I guess it was 8 or 9 years ago. At that time, I thought that particular day in the future (September 15, 2018) is going to be the biggest deal in college football! Austin, Texas is going to be the epicenter of the college football world on that day! That was my perception.


A TCU football game is center stage and UT/USC is a back burner afterthought. If you had told me back in the early 80's (my time at UT) that a TCU football game would garner more hype and attention than UT/USC, I would have told you to put down the crack pipe! Welcome to a new reality!
So what you are saying is that programs go through cycles where they rise and fall in terms of relative power and prestige.

Huh. Whodathunkit?
I'm saying that today is a massive letdown based on my prior expectation level. However, I still love the Horns, and pray that we can be as good as TCU someday.
Yep. As I get older I do my best not to let past performance predict future results. Works in investing money, and also works in emotional investment in things like football teams.