Pelosi: 'we are trying to save life as we know it'


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Amazing that this women is a force in american politics. The liberal thought process is amazing to me.

Nancy Pelosi on today's vote: "What we're trying to do is save the world from the Republican budget. We're trying to save life on this planet as we know it today."
The Link
How does someone fail as publicly and terrifically as Pelosi has and still have the audacity to announce her opinion as if it has any relevance or credibility.
"What we're trying to do is save the world from the Republican budget. We're trying to save life on this planet as we know it today."

... from the Democratic House leader who supports abortion. I suppose that if the Republican version of the budget passes, she will encourage women to have more abortions in order to save unborn children from the unspeakable horror/tragedy of growing up in America under a federal government with a balanced budget?
You'd think she would have installed and updated some virus scanning and removal on her brain by now. But that is the definition of the self styled 'progressive'.
There always seems to be a reason not to balance the budget, now we need to let all the boomers retire. The only hope we have is to stop the spending.
Please explain this because since what the 40's the Republicans have been in control of Congress what 20 years?

So Republicans, who have had more than 50 years to produce a balanced budget, are suddenly going to produce one now, with the boomers aging and the price of healthcare skyrocketing?
A house divided against itself can not stand. Partisanship will be the downfall of this country, maybe not Monday, but it could certainly accelerate it.
I agree BUT when you have so many people living off the gov't why would they willingly end their handouts"

When the POTUS says about the negotiations on spending and debt ceiling, "I’d rather be talking about stuff that everybody welcomes — like new programs."
you know we are in trouble.

does he really think most people want MORE gov't spending?
I don't know who is stupider, Pelosi or Obama
yes this seems right, " I think they keep her around to make everyone else look like geniuses."

about Obama, hmm well I guess his background is community organizing/ agitating explains a lot
Really bad analogy. Bush not only got congressional approval but 74% of Aericans were for it.
Pew Research
Right decision Wrong decision Unsure
74 19 7

did Ovama have 74 % approval from us for Obamacare?

Public disapproval for (and subsequent divisiveness regarding) the Iraq war increased once the claims (by President Bush's administration) regarding imminent threats from Iraqi nuclear, chemical and biological weapons were found to have been false. But point taken regarding the high approval for U.S. action prior to the start of the war.

Maybe the passage of NAFTA or the Vietnam war would have been better examples, my point about divisiveness caused by U.S. Presidents was meant to be generic (i.e. divisiveness not unique to President Obama).
I see. I took your point as it was written, the approval at inception of the Iraq War and Obamacare. Iraq war overwhelmingly approved at start. The same could not be said at the passage of obamacare

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