Payday lenders are a little like these "legal funding" companies that will loan you money in exchange for a lien against your bodily injury settlement that some of my old clients were foolish enough to buy into against my advice.
They dish out quick and easy cash, but it's always on horrific terms - astronomical interest, high fees, etc. Furthermore, they're not the Boys Scouts. If you screw them around, you'll want to ask someone else to start your car for you.
However, so long as they're fully disclosing the terms of the loan and the consequences of default, I don't really see how anyone can complain. They're a really sh&tty deal, but no one's forcing you to borrow from them.
I wouldn't mind a state imposing some reasonable disclosure requirements on them, because they aren't always in much of a hurry to tell you what you're getting into. However, this is a pure state issue. Nobody in the White House or on Capitol Hill has any business even discussing it.