Pat Metheny Trio

The Gunner

25+ Posts
Caught Pat Metheny with Antonio Sanchez and Christian McBride last night at the Paramount (PSA: He's at Verizon Wireless in Houston tonight, 3/5, and Ft. Worth on the 6th--HIGHLY recommended). Was kinda thinking early in the concert, "Man, it'd have been cool for him to come during SXSW." I guess it was just the natural desire to see a virtuoso showcased in a premiere event. By the end of the concert, though, I was thinking it was probably a good thing he's not at SXSW. If other musicians saw and heard this, they'd lay down their instruments and quit. DAMN!

Go get ya some Pat Metheny, or Pat Metheny Group stuff; I'll be picking up "Day Trip" very soon.
I first started listening to him in 1980 or 81. I bought his album with Lyle Mays called "As Falls Wichita, so Falls Wichita Falls" just because I liked the title. I knew nothing about his music at the time.
Christian McBride = Bad ***

I like Pat Metheny, but some of his stuff gets a little too deep into smooth jazz. I saw him a few years ago and he blew me away.
lat22 is correct. i only heard of pat methany because of fandango. anybody and anything involved in fandango is alright in my book.

that's why judd nelson and kevin costner have free lifetime passes in my book.

and pat methany rocks, not literally because, you know, his music doesn't rock. well it does, but not like rock rock.
I get goosebumps everytime I hear "It's For You". I wake up to the Weather Channel and they were playing it during one of their "Local on the 8's" segments. Allsome.

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