pass in to the post


25+ Posts
There were numerouse times last night, and have been numerous times this season, when DJ brings the ball up court and one of our post players immediately gets great position and "calls for the ball" in the post... with a pretty wide open bounce pass into the paint available... big man play 101.

DJ obviously looks straight at our post player... the post player wants the ball... but DJ back pedals... the post player finally gives up and slips out and sets a pick and we end up with an off-balance AJ 3-pointer or a hero attempt dribble-into-contact heave by DJ.

Even if Barnes has zero confidence in our post players shooting in that situation, would it not make sense to at least pass it in and hope for some help defender to cheat in so the post can pass back out and leave a better shot for our jump shooters?

I am confused... and frustrated.

It just seems like our posts (other than maybe Atchley) are being handled too cautiously, or completely neglected... Get them used to at least touching the ball during an occasional offensive series... so we don't have as many growing pains when our current scorers are gone.
Yeah, there was one possession where Dex had established great position down low, and DJ just looked at him and kept his dribble before passing it around the perimeter. DJ gets the ball right back seconds later, Dex established low post position again and again no entry pass. I don't know if Barnes has told DJ not to feed Dex or not, but it either of those two passes were simple enough I could have made them. Has to be disheartening to work for the opportunity and then watch us jack up low percentage shots from the outside instead.
I saw these plays you are talking about and I agree. The one thing to also consider is that our bigs have a tendency to make up their minds to shoot no matter what when they get the ball (maybe b/c they rarely get it?). We need them to look for kick outs as well like you mentioned. I know that is my one problem for GJ, he works hard but he will also shoot just about every time he gets it. In a way, it is a combination... guards need to get it inside but bigs need to also know when to take it to hole and when to be patient (kick it back out) IMO.
we have struggled with entry passes since Rick has been here.

TJ Ford even have problems with them.

Of course, then it was the post guy's fault for being a lousy catcher of the ball or not being in position, but this problem has haunted Rick while he has been here.
Maybe so, but a good solid ball fake and an array of passes bigger than just an overhand/chest pass helps too. Maybe it would also help to have someone come up to the elbow, receive the pass there, and then feed the low post. We don't seem to try high-low much...heck we don't seem to try any offensive manuever except on-ball screens (with no roll) much.

Right now Atchley is the only guy on the team who tries to pass the ball from the wing to the post with any regularity. Probably because he's got firsthand experience that our guards don't have of how frustrating it is to only get the ball on the block about 10% of the time you're open.
I agree, Barnes' teams have traditionally not been strong on interior passing. They have also rarely had anyone who could post up effectively and score inside with his back to the basket. Most post players we've had here have been pretty inconsistent around the basket in terms of converting the close-in shots - and as someone said, the ball tends not to come back out once it goes in.
Don't you know that the bounce pass is one of the toughest passes to make!?!?!? Shame on you for such impossible expectations.
My suspicion is that either or guards have no trust in the bigs scoring / passing or have been instructed by Barnes not to pass it in... I am sure DJ, Mason, and even AJ have known how to pass into the post since Jr. Highschool... It's one of the basic offensive skills you learn... And, I am not saying you have to do it every possession when your guards are your scorers... but, damn, at least let the Def know it's a remote possibility if they cheat on the guards.
Come on people. Barnes wants the ball inside. But, he can only say it til he's blue in the face. The guys have to make those passes, and the inside guys have to keep working to get the ball.

Do some of you honestly think Coach Barnes tells his guards not to get it inside? That's crazy talk.
I think Barnes is addressing the issue. We did a much better job getting the ball down low against Baylor, and moving the ball in general.
James is an excellent passer into the post as well is Atchley. Not sure what DJ's hangup is in passing down low..
Just off the top of my head, I really can't recall many kick out threes we get.....and kick out 3's are the highest percentage because your body is already square to the goal. Maybe they have a hesitancy to give the bigs the ball down low because they are "black holes'"....once they pass it they aren't getting it back.

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