Paris twins look ahead backwards


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Sounds like they are eager to fulfill their promise of winning a national championship.

Wonder how far they will go this year? Hand will have a big part in that.
So for those of you out there who have siblings close to your age or a twin - if you were both athletically or academically talented and sought after by the masses would you split from your sibling and do your own thing or would going to the same college be an absolute for you?

I'm one of 7 kids and I wanted to do my own thing and selected my own college. But I think it has a lot to do with I'm the 2nd oldest and I wanted to get away. O, I'm not athletically talented but God did bless me academically.

I admire the Paris' for sticken' together and wanting to win it together. The list could be endless with coulda, shoulda, woulda. It's nice to see that they recognize where they are now and what needs to happen to get it done. It really shows their maturity and a sense of responsibility.
The Paris situation is a very good example of why many of the top players sign with the Tennessees and the UCONNs of the game. They want to know that they are going to be in a position to win a championship. I admire those who choose to go to a school to help build a program and have an immediate impact, but I am not sure that I would take that route. I would want to know that the school I chose will continue to bring in the top recruits needed to win a championship.

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