'Pack the House'???


de Plorable
saw this on the NCAA site...

" “Pack the House” winners named
March 07, 2008

The NCAA has named the 32 winners of its Division I women’s basketball “Pack the House Challenge,” which drew more than 592,000 fans to arenas around the nation.

One institution from each of the 31 Division I conferences and one representing a group of independents was selected based on creativity in marketing and meeting attendance criteria. The NCAA will award prizes and donate $500 to the nonprofit organization of each winning institution’s choice.

Louisville, which was the Big East Conference “Pack the House” champion, was chosen in a random drawing as the grand-prize winner.

“Pack the House” was a first-time effort in which conferences and institutions competed to build attendance to a selected women’s basketball game.

Almost two-thirds of the Division I membership – 198 institutions – participated in the challenge.

Events at Duke, Louisville, Marist, Navy, Oklahoma State and Presbyterian produced sell-out crowds. Seventy other programs surpassed their single-game attendance highs from last season."

And it begged the questions of did UT even bother to participate and if not, why not? If they DID participate, I certainly saw nothing taken in the way of steps to differentiate this season from any other in terms of attempting to increase attendance.
I see programs mentioned that would seem to say otherwise...if the Duke's and Oklahoma State's can participate and get a mention, there is no reason whatsoever for Texas not to have been trying to do something. It isn't as though we have exactly been setting attendance standards even with the 'big' games. I don't know that we topped 8K in any game this season...
UT combined Think Pink with Pack The House for the Baylor game. It was promoted that way on Texassports.com

"This season, Texas Women's Basketball is combining two national efforts in an effort to raise breast cancer awareness:

· The Women's Basketball Coaches Association (WBCA) "Think Pink" week (Feb. 8-17), a global, unified effort encouraging campuses and communities to drape their "house" in pink; and,

· The NCAA "Pack the House" challenge to show nationwide support of women's basketball. The attendance goal for the game is 8,000."
The Link

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