OU WBB players carried away?


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I saw this thread at OUInsider a couple of days ago having to do with OU WBB players “excessively harassing” Nebraska players trying to serve the ball.

Seems like the national media has now picked up on it.

Watching the video, sure seems like those fans got awfully close to the VB player serving.

I don’t recall any fans at our (UT) court crowding around a player that is serving or yelling in their ears.

It does seem too excessive, even in the name of providing home court advantage.

USA Today has a story on the incident. Interesting comments both ways under the story.

This link should go to the video of the incident. Wish I could have heard what was being said, but I couldn’t get any sound off of this.

This is the link to the OU forum talking about it. It also has a link to the video linked above in case that link doesn’t work. Again, interesting split on whether the players (fans) acted appropriately. A & M and
Baylor also have discussions going about this.

Should the Big 12 find that the OU fans, including members of the WBB team, interfered with the Nebraska player(s), wonder what type of penalty would be meted out? Seems like the officials at the VB match have been suspended, per the NU VB coach.
cannot read the OU site since it requires registration (which I am not inclined to do)...but...

The fact that it includes players is a red herring. The inappropriate conduct is inappropriate, regardless of whether it is student, alumni, athlete or any combination of those.

I would have liked to see footage that included a view of how far from teh service line the server was. If the server was disproportionately distant from the line as they began their set-up for service, then there is the question of reasonableness.

That being said...this is not a case, from that video,of people in the front row just standing and being loud/obnoxious. There was activity that SHOULD have resulted in a more immediate response from both event staff as well as the officials. Even as rabid as some have gotten at Gregory, I do not believe that such actions would have been tolerated on a Texas court...
The officials at the UT vs A and M volley ball game at Gregory stopped the UT men's swim team from doing their taditional victory dance on the court after the first game. They CAN stop fan behavior, clearly, but they did not do it in this instance.

I'm very concerned about the level of obnoxious interaction between the fans and the players at the college level. I personally want everyone to remember that all of these players are kids. They have earned the respect of all fans by working during practice, and playing in front of very partisan crowds. Professional players have been provoked into assault on fans, what do we expect from 18-22 year olds when they are consistently belittled? Who is insulted by these comments, the athlete, or the fan who makes the insulting remark? As fans we need to not tolerate such behavior from other fans whether they are partial to our team or not. It's just like bullying in school. If everyone of us agrees it won't be tolerated and we will speak out when we see it happening, it WON"T HAPPEN.

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