Gurwitz leads off the ninth and grounds out for one away against McCurry.
Clemens bats lefty with one down.
The count goes full and he K's swinging for two away.
Felts is Texas's last hope with two down.
The count runs full as it has all day it seems.
He walks to put the tying run on with two down.
Hall comes in to run for Felts.
So it is now up to Marlow who is still hitless in the series.
A fly ball goes to right and the wind knocks it down and the catch is made and that ends the game.
OSU wins 2-1.
Again Texas can't hit decent pitching and it results in another loss. Two hits won't get it done in many games. It's just the way these games go. Sometimes Texas wins if the pitching is just outstanding.
It's a fine line to walk and today it was just too narrow a line again.
At least Payton coninued his streak.
Somehow you knew it would probably come down to a third game and it has.
OSU will now remain ahead of Texas no matter what happens tomorrow. It's a must win for Texas if it has hopes of winning the conference.
Hopefully some kind of offense will show up tomorrow and Thornhill will keep the pitching at it's usual level.