Orlando's Career

Vol Horn 4 Life

Good Bye To All The Rest!
Below is Orlando's career as a defensive coordinator in yards per game by year. He has generally left every defense except Houston in worse shape than he started. You can easily see his passing defense declines in almost every position held while his total defense almost almost always declines except for the one year in Houston. Keep in mind his results are relative to conference and competition. In general his rankings decline while competition improves except for the one year in Houston.

UCONN started 6th and ended 58th with some rough and good years.
FIU started 31st and ended 68th in second year.
Utah St started 12th and ended 30th second year.
Houston started 54th and ended 13th in second year.
Texas started 43rd and is currently 118th.

Year Team Pass Rush Total
05 UCONN 4 43 6
06 UCONN 25 105 82
07 UCONN 18 86 38
08 UCONN 9 16 6
09 UCONN 88 45 62
10 UCONN 67 51 58

11 FIU 65 22 31
12 FIU 99 43 68

13 Utah St 51 2 12
14 Utah St 59 17 30

15 Houston 116 8 54
16 Houston 51 4 13

17 Texas 109 8 43
18 Texas 112 27 67
19 Texas 126 72 118
3 years in the 100s says you gotta go. Whether you want to waste the rest of the year on this I don't know. But he's got to go.

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