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my band doesn't play alot anymore but we still get together to write & record every now & then. just cuz we had the opportunity, we made a video even though we're very unphotogenic. check it out & lemme know what ya think. (yes, we love pink floyd)

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oh yeah.... you can never have enough cowbell.

thanks LC
I watched. What would you like my opinion of? The song, the video?

Y'all sound good and the visuals match the theme of the song.

I'm not a musician, but an amateur observation about the song would be that perhaps you stick with the downbeat opening too long before breaking into higher energy as the song approached climax. (I don't even know if those are apt descriptions of music.) I would suggest alluding to the later part of the song in a break earlier in the song. A touch of energy early that you revisit as the energy builds towards the end.

Voice and musicianship seemed quite good to me. Best of luck to you.

Oh, and definitely more cowbell.
thanks Roma. and I agree... I wish the song built faster. lookin back, we shoulda had more happen during the first two minutes.

we have 3 cd's worth of songs and asked this guy to pick a tune and make a video. he picked the song and had total creative control on the video.

I really like what he did but if I had my way, I'd have the close up of the little girl's face fade into a grown woman's face, crying while driving. it would kinda tie the whole thing together, giving the impression she's the one driving in all the driving scenes, reflecting on something traumatic from her childhood.

oh well. Its still pretty cool.

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