Disclaimer: I am no scientist, of any kind.
That said, I do believe that the earth is going through a warming phase, or at least, I dont deny it. However, I dont believe that humans are the sole cause of it, and I doubt that we are the main cause of it. I do think that we should utilize our technologies to develop better ways of reducing pollution that may contribute to global warming.
Its funny to me when I hear Alex Jones say that the earth is rock flying through outer space orbiting a sun that is orbiting the center of the galaxy and that there really isnt much we can do about that. But it is true. There are super massive forces out there that effect our climate that we cant do a damn thing about. The sun really is a giant fireball that emits solar flares and waves that impact our atmosphere and affect our weather and climate. Yes, its true.
However, I do agree, as does he, that we should do things to improve our quality control standards. That said, it is a salient point that countries like China or India may not have the same standards that we do, and that the air streams in our atmosphere carry their crap over here into our skies.
There has to be an international agreement on what we can do. If just the US does something and the other side of the earth doesnt, it isnt gonna help us.
That said, taxing people because they breath or drive cars I think is stupid.