Students need to be a little smarter about how the go about college. For a debt of 20K this makes a difference of about $650 per year. That should be manageable.
If the student is electing to, and the government is supporting students, taking on bigger student debt than this....They both need to rethink their strategies. Maybe, these students should spend a year or two working and saving BEFORE they jump into the debt pool.
If you don't have the cash to go to a four year college, live at home, knock out 1-2 years at ComCollege and then move to big time U.
Better yet, take advantage of the dual credit courses offered by many high schools now.
Join the service. let them pay for you.
Take 15 hrs per semester and get out early. save on room and board.
Several strategies for the student and families (that don't involve increasing our debt AGAIN)