One Week for Fried Things


500+ Posts
so, the wife and I have declared a one-week moratorium on our no-fried-things ban. We claim that we're still on the honeymoon
. That said, what would be on your list, if you had had to give up fried things for the first half of '06? Hill's cafe for CFS is on my list, for sure ..

Parallel question - who's salsa would you jump in on first, with chips? Please keep in mind that the wife doesn't like super-spicy salsa, and I'd rather not waste my week on weird stuff (rules out Evita's). But what place has your favorite salsa?
Amaya's Taco Village has some good salsa, although I'm not sure how spicy it is, I have a very high heat tolerance.

And go to Hyde Park Grill and get the horseshoe sandwich if you can eat fried things. You'll thank me.