Olbermann Gets Another Pink Slip

El Torito

1,000+ Posts
This black belt is assclownery has been fired by the Al Gore cable access channel known as "Current TV" after "months of murky disputes between Mr. Olbermann and the channel that he was supposed to save from the throes of ratings oblivion."

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Olbermann always wanted to be the liberal Bill O'Reilly, so he ripped off O'Reilly's style and added even more sanctimoniousness and shrill. Having a show where you just superficially eulogize one party and demonize the other and bring on guests who primarily talk about how right you are just isn't that good of a formula.

He was a much better sports commentator and should go back to ESPN. If he wants to stay in political commentary, he should be on a debate show - if that exists anymore.
Or he can call himself a comedian, get a show on HBO and stage an audience who agrees with him. Then fill the guest slots with other Obama cult members to show how really smart and funny he is.
Apparently giving him a gold-plated teleprompter and forcing everyone to address him as "Oh Great One" wasn't considered a necessary component of putting together a first-class show.

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