Oklahoma execution


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Oklahoma executed Clayton Locket 14 years after he kidnapped and raped a 19 year old and then shot her with a shotgun and buried her while she was still alive. She died and 14 years later he did.
Good riddance.
Ah yes, the "botched" execution that will lead to the "end" of capital punishment. Doesn't sound terribly botched to me but the far left will run with as much as they can. For or against death penalty, this guy died much more peaceful than someone with end stage COPD, terminal cancer or 3rd degree burns that lead to death. He doesn't get my sympathy.

This has no correlation with guilt or innocence but watch the opponents use this case for that as well.
I'm not sure the death penalty has ever been an effective deterrent. If they have a few more executions like this perhaps it could be.
Why aren't firing squads re-considered as a primary option for execution? Serious question. I think Utah is the only state that still has the option, and from articles I've read over the past few years, it seems like a more economical, effective and swift form of execution.
Is it just simply viewed upon as being less dignified and more harsh than IV injected chemical cocktails that can be ineffective in administering a quick death?
If you are like me, you may be HIGHLY allergic to morphine. In this case, death by firing squad would be MUCH less messy.

I'd personally be in support of allowing the convict to choose to die by the same manner of death the victim was subjected to, if it is feasible. Murder with gun or knife or blunt object- bring out the gimp. Vehicular homicide- less easy to accommodate, but possibly strap the criminal in a car and drop from a crane 12 stories up, like they did in those defensive driving videos we saw as teens to scare us from speeding.
I'd agree with more capital punishment. There must be more to make it a deterrent. Of course, from what I understand it's actually cheaper to keep someone locked up for life then to run through the legal process that ends in an execution. Has anyone else heard that executions are actually VERY expensive?
Seattle - The stats I have seen show an estimated cost of $1.2 million from indictment to execution in the state of Texas. Opposed to an annual cost of just over $21K per inmate to run the state's prison system.

Based upon those numbers, a thirty year sentence would be about half the cost of an execution. Of course that doesn't take into account inflation over the term of that sentence.
After thinking about it, I don't know how accurate those numbers above are. Not the numbers per se, but the total cost.

I don't believe the annual cost for an inmate in the system takes into account the cost of prosecution (assuming it's not a plea bargain), so the numbers may be a lot closer.
I can't help but to scratch my head at describing this as a "botched" execution. It sounds more like the yokels in Mobilhoma just aren't as efficient at executing as Texas and Florida are
As I understand it the normal drug companies cowed to public pressure and refused to sell the drugs. In turn, OK decided to find another supplier and created their own concoction.
Oh yeah, it was all over the news yesterday. Yahoo kept it on the front page all day. Bleeding hearts are bleeding.

Next time Oklahoma should use the electric chair - with a dry sponge on his head.
If they simply buried him alive like his victim, would you feel better about it? That would be okay by me to administer the same means of death they administered on their innocent victims.
No doubt the blood thirsty crowd loved being able to use this ' botched' attempt to ramp up their base about how inhumane capital punishment is

I am not always a supporter of the death penalty but in this case no justice wasn't served but at least he is gone

read this recap of what he did and tell me you'd feel differently
The Link

The vile creep KNEW she was alive when he buried her and left.
In prisons across the land, men on death row are aghast at the appalling scene of a state killing someone in such a mean fashion. It is outrageous, they will say.

I would like to see the press lead off their death row stories with full, detailed accounts of just what brought the poor defendant to his tragic end.

Not going to happen though
Lots of "eye for an eye" folks.... y'all should hear about this Jesus Christ dude. Nah, come to think of it, most of you would think he was a pu$$y unworthly of your respect.
Cold blooded killer = DEAD! Doesn't sound like it botched to me. The only thing that was botched was it took 14 years.
I have heard of this Jesus fellow and am aware that he was wrongfully executed and draw a distinction between folks like him and guys who bury their victims alive after shooting them and who rape women. Jesus was convicted of blasphemy, which I occasionally practice myself. It is not an offense, much less a capital one in our times. In Christian countries anyway, though I hear it is still punished severely in countries under the sway of Islam,.

Jesus' message that we should love our enemies is fine by me; I just don't intend to let them kill innocent people and like to see some sign from society that it has a sense of self protection.

As for the guy in Oklahoma: good riddance.
Chango, so you are comparing Jesus to a murderer? Very interesting. Very sure that Jesus didn't hit a girl over the head with a gun 3 times giving her a severe concusion then shooting her. Then while still breathing buried her alive. If Jesus did all that then Jesus wouldn't be Jesus now would he?
Amazing how some want to keep scum like this alive while advocating abortion. Hypocrisy at its highest level.

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