Okie article: Jonathan Miller 'spurned' Texas

Officially we did sign 5 RB's last year but it appears the OU coaches failed to explain to him that several of them won't be playing RB.
Although not well written, what I got from the article is that neither Texas or A&M were showing interest so Miller jumped at the phone offer made by OU. A&M was apparantly where he wanted to go. The article by the way says Adrian Peterson "spurned" Texas, not this kid.
It means he wasn't getting any mail from them, and his mom, feeling sorry for him, told him all those Christmas cards were really letters from coaches. Another pitfall of the illiterate.
The papers in OK are the most biased I have ever seen. We win the MNC and we would be on like page 6 with ou and osu crap on page 1.
Dh- you got that right! I read 'em almost every day. Most of it is blow U crap and they may throw OSU a bone once in a while. That is the biggest homer paper I have ever seen. You just have to look at who owns the paper. The Gaylords as in the same one with their names on the stadium. They kept all that crap that was going on during Switzer quiet until the cops got involved. Then they had to tell about the raping and the shooting in the athletic dorm. Soon Charlie Thompson was on the cover of SI. They kept that stuff quiet for months until the lid litterly blew off the kettle. I am always e-mailing those homers calling them OU beat writers. They say no way man! I can write anything I want to. The funny part is that most of them don't **** about football except OU is suppose to always win.
Hell, theer's only 2 major newspapers in the state & OU is the biggest thing in this state.
Whaddaya expect them to write about? OSU or Tulsa sucking every year or bull riding?
The back page of the Sunday paper is always cool in the sports section.
This lad must not be the brightest candle in the minorah.

Exhibit A: he had his room painted maroon (probably had matching outfits for his Barbie dolls)

Exhibit B: jumped all over a phone offer from OU without ever setting a foot on campus (who does that, at least without firm assurances of a "job" at Big Red Auto Emporium & Rules Infractions Center)

Why get our panties in a wad about this one? We've already lost several better than him.

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