Okay to hate Kansas State?


100+ Posts
I found myself rooting for Louisville last night... I don't know why.

Part of it was the big jabroni sitting in front of me wearing purple and yelling at the screen the whole time... but maybe there is something else to it?

I generally have got no beef with most of the schools from the North. Nebraska is fine... I mean, she's lost some of her luster but the fans are still there - kind folk... so accustomed to winning that they have nary a foul word to utter.

CU - Well, their fans are kinda morons... but generally I like snow skiiing so much, that it is hard to hate them.

ISU - I like Chizik. Birds generally frighten me, but, they are a non-factor.

KU - Mangino is a big fat idiot, but they know their place. A KU fan talking trash is like Oprah talking about being skinny... she knows it is passing phase, no need to anger the pretty girls... just smile and enjoy it and don't be disappointed when you are 5-6 again an for another fifty years.

Mizzou - fine, non-descript... Like a mediocre gal you once dated. She still hates you but, hey all you've got are good memories.

But KSU, I seem to hate. granted they could be 0-10 and starting a paraplegic at QB and they would probably beat us... Maybe that is why. Also, Purple is a bad color for a football team. I mean purple and yellow has got something... kind of, the only thing uglier than purple was yellow and purple, so we said, ah the hell with it, yellow and purple!

But KSU is more like oh, purple? yes purple, how pretty... whay else is pretty, things that are shiny, and silver is shiny. Excellent and pretty, silver and purple it is. I hate losing to purple. they should just weat pink and call it a day.

Am I alone as a KSU hater?
You're not alone. I too can echo some of your sentiments.

However, I was actually rooting for them last night to put on a good show for the conference. But I knew the minute those thoughts entered my head, they'd lay an egg.

Ron Prince only seems capable of getting those shitstains to show up for one game, and it's Texas.
Never gave 2 turds about Kansas State until the year they played Purdue in the Alamo Bowl. I lived in SA at the time and got tickets to the game. All week these purple clad morons were everywhere in San Antonio whining how they were screwed out of a BCS bowl. Their big mantra was "Best Fans in America." You heard it everywhere. Then Purdue proceeds to spank that *** and the "best fans in America" become the most inbred, beligerent, drunk-*** fans in America, like pouring full beers on the head of an elderly gentleman wearing Purdue gear drunk. I saw it with my own eyes.

You should hate Kansas State without reservation. They are the aggies of Kansas. Let me repeat that: they are the AGGIES of KANSAS. With a little bit of okie and arkie mixed in. Now that's saying something.

Esp after what K St recent RB did... you can guarantee I hate them!
Hate away, it's a free country. But for me hating requires too much energy and places too much importance on someone or something that meams nothing to me. It also means that they "got to me". Life is too short for that.
I will save my emotions for something positive. LIKE LOVING THE HORNS!!!!!
When the Big XII was formed, there were tons of crap being spewed by Big 8 fans on message boards about how they hated Texas for coming in and trying to rule the new conference, etc, etc. . . .

Internet message boards are like that.

But the PRESIDENT of K. State spewed that same hatred in a speech he made to the students prior to the first game they played against Texas (they won), and it was printed in the papers, etc.

You see the way they get up to play us. There's little doubt they still feed on that.

F kst
I hate em, I hate any team that can only play one or two games a year and it fits KSU, if there isn't a jayhawk or longhorn on the opposing helmet than they just go through the motions. So they fit right in with Aggy & tech. Makes me sick.
Is it OK to hate K-State?

Is it OK to hate K-State?

My answer: HELL FREAKIN YES. I have NEVER seen a more angry group of fans than KSU football fans. As a Husker football season ticket holder, I've seen pretty much every single Big 12 fanbase there is to see (only ones I haven't seen are Baylor and sCUm). KSU fans are by far the worst of the lot. I was glad to see those turds go away after we spanked that ***.

I've already decided it's beyond pointless to go to Craphattan for a game because their fans ARE that bad.
And while I have the opportunity to let it rip on KSU, I CAN'T forget about the WORST promotional video EVER. Don't forget your power towel!
The Link
Those guys have had our number lately, and I am damn sick and tired of it. Last year was an abomination. If we beat those clowns the next 20 times in a row, it still wouldn't be enough.

They really are the aggy of the North. In fact, they combine the absolute worst elements of aggy and arky fans. They are insufferable whether they win or lose. I have seen some of their fans' vile antics -- cheering when opposing players are injured, talking **** to opposing fans, etc. Then they slink away like cowards whenever their team loses.

I don't know that hate is the right term for sunflower aggy. I don't really root for the other team to win whenever they are playing, unlike I do with ou. I liken them to a pack of horseflies. They are irritating and smelly, and you are happy when they just leave and go bother somebody else for a while.

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