Offense or Defense..


1,000+ Posts
So which unit do you get most excited about watching during a game?

For me, it changes depending on the situation. If our D is totally tee'ing off on some team, I love watching that. If the offense is going to town, that's much more exciting.

Generally speaking though -- I'd rather watch us play offense all day....

I hate the off season.
There's nothing I like to watch more than our defense pressuring the hell out of the other team's QB (like Holiday Bowl 07). I spent most of this past season nervous as hell though, when our defense was on the field.
I would have to say the offense is more exciting to watch at home, but at the stadium the defense is more exciting, because of the fan involvement. Of course, given the past 2 years the defense was more a source of nerves and frustration than anything else.