Obama's Wave Fails to Sink Extraordinary Foe

The Clintons are an amazing political duo.

They engender (can I say that?) a lot of hate, but show tremendous resiliency. Most would wither under the onslaught crushing down on them. They just dust themselves off, and keep fighting.

They are the greatest political machine of our time.
I agree...the Clinton campaign machine is impressive which is why I think they'd very likely eek out a win in the general election even with the Anti-Clinton sentiment out there.

With the strength of both Democratic candidates and the relative weakness of McCain the latter has a steep up-hill battle to win the general election.
Michigan definitely has no leg to stand on, as the Michigan Democratic Party and democratic governor pushed to move their primary ahead of Feb. 1 despite warning from the DNC. They knew what they were risking.

Florida is a different ball of wax entirely. In Florida, it was the Republican state legislature that set the primaries up early, over the objections of the state democratic party. The early primary was forced on Dems in Florida by the GOP. That is why I think that we will see a caucus in Florida in June if needed. Michigan will probably be told to jump in a lake.
Wesser, is there a Florida law requiring the primaries to occur at the same time? i know other states can have their Republican and democratic primaries months apart.

TW, well, I guess I can only speak with certainty about Michigan, but they were told what would happen, and the local party moved up their primary anyway. If you know what the rules are, and break them anyway, then the blame is on you.
Wahoo, the states were given a choice between seating their delegates or moving their primary... they chose to move their primary. I don't understand how you could hang it on the DNC. If they want to move their primary AND have their delegates seated, then they should have probably spent more time lobbying the national convention. In any event, no one is more responsible for losing those seats than Michigan and Florida.

The comedy is, had they left well enough alone, they would have had headlines this year without losing a thing.
I have heard that a compromise will be reached and the delegates will get seated. The best idea I've heard is where they are to be split between BHO and HRC, so that they do not affect the outcome.

Sounds reasonable to me.
But when will the split take place? If both Obama and Clinton are still in it by the time of the convention the Democratic party is screwed anyway.

This will be over before June. If they're going to split delegates, they'll need to do it very soon.
The delegeates from Michigan won't be seated as is.

If they just split the delegates evenly between the remaining candidates, then why seat them at all? It wouldn't reflect what the people voted for, nor would it change the outcome. The only thing it could possibly do would be to appease the state party (not the voters), at the expense of any relevence whatsoever.

Either they are going to vote again, or they are not going to count the votes at all. Nothing else makes any sense at all.
FL and MI could have had their primaries on Feb 5, with others. But they wanted to be "special".

The good thing about splitting the delegates and seating them is that, that way there is more of a possibility of someone getting the majority without super-delegates. Part of the problem democrats are facing is that, though they are not counting the FL and MI delegates, they are counted in the max possible and thus the majority needed.

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