Obama's stimilus is a joke


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Before Obama's stimilius we had 1 person making over $170K+ a year in the department of transportation. After his stimilus that number went to 1,049 people making over $170K a year. So instead of getting the private sector growing, we have to pay more in taxes so we can fund the jobs that will always need funding.

This president is so corrupt that there is no way they can even investigate 10% of what doesn't pass the sniff test. They are just getting to Solyndra and 25 more questionable corruptions occur. How can anybody defend this clown with a straight face. Clinton and Bush had the difict growing at a slow roll. Hussien Obama takes the keys jumps in and presses the gas pedal to 100 MPH. That's not fast enough so he's asking for an Italian sports car (another stimilus) to go even faster in debit and America is saying no more. So he quits as President and starts his campaign for the next election which is a year away (never in history has a president started campaigning this early for re-election.

Our country would be better off being ran by one of the Kardasians. He's the worst President ever.
Agree pretty much with everything you said, the sad part is GOP has such a bunch of panty waste candidates that whomever is nominated from that party will end up losing to this loser.
Did not vote for Obama but one of his biggest problems is that most people don't seem to understand Keynesian economics, which in one form or another has been the predominant doctrine since FDR.

Here is what Obama and his economic team were trying to do with the stimulus (note correct spelling) and the subsequent huge deficits: in times of economic downturns, in order to keep as many people as possible working and to keep businesses supplied with customers with some money in their pockets, the government will spend much more than normally in order to bump up the "aggregate demand." Sort of the reverse of supply side economics, if I might oversimplify a bit.

The charitable way to look at it is to ask yourself how bad things would have been if all that extra money had not been spent or is not spent now. Aggregate demand would drop considerably and we would have a deflationary spiral. Like in the early 30s.

Obama's people say they prevented that and my guess is that they did to a limited extent.

Obama said at the start of the stimulus program that this kind of spending was not sustainable. He was right. The question is when does it become impossible. The answer is not yet because the government bonds are still selling at low rates.

The really huge problem is the looming retirement of all of us boomers and our use of social security and medicare, which is scary expensive and not adequately funded. Nobody is talking about it a lot because seniors vote and it is going to be necessary to cut back on services and raise revenues, which will be very hard on the economy and the younger people.

And your assertion that Clinton and Bush had the deficit rolling slowly is incorrect. Clinton had balances and surpluses when he left. He passed some tax increases and got the benefit of an economic surge. W ran up the deficits by waging an unfunded war and passing an unfunded senior prescription drug plan and made it much worse by cutting taxes to get rid of that nasty budget surplus. He was sort of an idiot in that respect.

Obama has some theoretically sound economic theory behind him but his luck is going to run out if the economy doesn't recover.

None of this should be any surprise. My basic economics prof told us about the boomer bulge and the problems it was going to cause back in 1966, when us boomers were just starting college. Some folks just didn't want to tell the truth to the voters. Voodoo economics I think one wise republican called it.

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