For the life of me I do not know what the 47% is approving.
Look at all general elections this way. Between 34-37% of all voters are democrats and will vote democrat. Between 34-37% are also republican and will vote republican. This leaves about 25-30% that are independent. If you look at every election, it's the independents that swing the elections. Bush was so unpopular, he only had the support of 1/2 of the republicans, nobody was happy with the direction of the country. McCain was seen as another Bush. I don't think Palin hurt his campaign as much as people believe or have reported.
The independents are unhappy again but not by as much of a margin. That could change if the economy doesn't improve. Obama has a huge advantage in the media. Most independents do not follow the blog cycles or 24 hr news coverage. They will get more informed as we get closer to the actual election season. A huge percentage of people believe Bush caused the recession. They have short attention spans. They hear the democrat slogans and sound bites and its considered fact. There is no real analysis from the masses. Keep in mind that half of these people pay little to nothing in income taxes. They do not want that to change. Obama couldnt have won a single state in this country 20 years ago. He was too far left and his past would have hurt him. The country has changed and the media has changed.
Wasn't it Tocqueville that said something to the effect that a democracy is always temporary in nature; it simply cannot exist as a permanent form of government. A democracy will continue to exist up until the voters discover that they can vote themselves generous gifts from the public treasury. From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates who promise the most benefits from the public treasury, with the result that every democracy will finally collapse due to loose fiscal policy, which is always followed by a dictatorship.....
I believe we are at that tipping point in this country. I also believe that a republican or democrat could put the final nail in the coffin. Neither party really cares, the democrats simply prefer a much more quick path to ruin. The truth is, its already too late to do anything about it without massive civil unrest and anarchy from a large percentage of the population. The politicians to not have the courage to act in the best interest of the country. They never have. They got us into this mess. We are doomed to fail.