Senate bill S-2433 authored by obama and being shoved thru by Biden requires the USA to give 0.7% of GNP to the UN, forces the USa to surrender sovereignty to the UN. Part of the plan commits USA to banning " Small arms and light weapons as well as force USA to sign treaties that we have refused to in the past, many of these treaties would negatively affect our sovereignty.
This is in committee now . Why has there been nothing about this is MSM?
We don't need to worry about voting on banning guns. The UN has decided for us if this passes.
We are all for helping poor countries. The money the gov't and private sector as well as the physical help we give is well documented.
WHO thinks it is ok for the UN to take our money and use it as they see fit?
Who wants to cede to the UN the decision on small arms?
Obama is much scarier that hillary No One is paying attention. They are swooning at his speechifying
Senate bill S-2433 authored by obama and being shoved thru by Biden requires the USA to give 0.7% of GNP to the UN, forces the USa to surrender sovereignty to the UN. Part of the plan commits USA to banning " Small arms and light weapons as well as force USA to sign treaties that we have refused to in the past, many of these treaties would negatively affect our sovereignty.
This is in committee now . Why has there been nothing about this is MSM?
We don't need to worry about voting on banning guns. The UN has decided for us if this passes.
We are all for helping poor countries. The money the gov't and private sector as well as the physical help we give is well documented.
WHO thinks it is ok for the UN to take our money and use it as they see fit?
Who wants to cede to the UN the decision on small arms?
Obama is much scarier that hillary No One is paying attention. They are swooning at his speechifying