When topics like this come up, I am reminded of the expanse and power of just one branch of government. The Executive Branch.
Progressively over the years the Executive Branch has taken on more and more power. And manpower.
Average voter thinks of the Executive Branch -- that 1/3 of the three branches -- as just one man: the President.
Porr little President gamefully going up against all those legislatures, and often only helped out by nine judges. A few more realize it is also the Cabinet and related departments supporting those cabinets, including the massive Dept of Defense (Pentagon and military). So, one man, his small cabinet and the military/pentagon.
But they overlook that the Executive Branch is over 2 million strong staffing an enormous list of agencies and departments down the chain from the White House and Cabinet positions. Departments that can enforce such as Obamacare. And the IRS. And more.
I pulled this employee level data from Historic Government Workforce Tables, 2011. Converted some of it into branches and the pie chart. Here is the reference:
Data, Analysis & Documentation: Federal Employment Reports -- link
Total (2011 numbers) civilian employees in Federal Govt: 2,820,000.
Almost 98% if those are under the Executive Branch. Hence, under the power of the President.
The uniformed military is separate from this. 1,583,000.
Try to keep in perspective that the Legislative and Judical Branches are really very tiny compared to the Excutive Branch. Only 64,000 employees -- less than 1% total Federal Civilian Employees, staff those two independent Branches of Government.
Only the Constitution and it's mandates of the separate but equal branches is keeping things together.
When Obama complains about Congress gumming up the works -- it's supposed to.
For my take, given the expansion of the powers and manpower of the Executive Branch, I want the Legislative Branch to keep reins on things.
And I am saddened they knee-jerked into passing the Affordable Healthcare Act two years ago. If only they would halt it completely.