Obama says forgo wedding/shower gifts and...


1,000+ Posts
...donate to me instead. Seems kind of tacky.

I'm not sure if this is a clever idea or an act of desperation. The campaign will need every dollar to overcome the lack of success.
Some people are really passionate about presidential politics. Plus, the campaign funds are spent in the private sector -- jobs, busses, media spending.

We'll get a good luck at the world of the SuperPac this year. I think it bodes ill for the long term, but will help media companies. Sadly enough, campaign spending too often goes for horrifically negative campaign ads in which a kernel of truth is twisted beyond all recognition. The people giving that money see it as an investment. Too often it is a cynical investment in which they expect economic returns, not necessarily a better America for all.
Got a birthday coming up? Can I have it please? You see, I don't have one, and I'd like to have yours. It's only fair since I don't have a birthday that you give me yours.

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