Obama questions Nev caucus


Obama is accusing Hillary of closing doors early during caucus. Doors were supposed to remain open until 12 pm Sat but there are reports of doors closing as early as 11:30 am

In the interview with ABC News, Obama also countered claims by the former president that vote-tampering in Nevada appeared to benefit Obama. He said Clinton is also bending the truth about that.
While not refuting that improper activity might have taken place on behalf of his supporters, Obama said, “What I’m absolutely sure about is that if there was improper activity, it was taking place on behalf of Clinton supporters who we know were trying to get doors closed before people went in.”

One question would be how could this help clinton unless only clinton supporters got there erly and only obama supporters would wait until the last minute.
Each side is accusing the other of dirty politics as if that inews
Culinary workers is the only thing that pops into my mind - they could've been given a specific time lunch-break time, say 11:30, that the Clintonistas knew about and got the doors closed specifically at those times in certain places to mitigate the effect of losing the casino court case.
One way it could affect outcomes is if Clinton supporters were trying to close doors early in known pro-Obama Precints or areas. I do not know if this would be the case but that's a possibility.

Maybe the Casino precincts? Culinary workers that have to leave their jobs might be more likely to show up late. The culinary workers are more likely to support Obama because of the endorsement.

I'm sure if you wait long enough or dive deep enough the specifics of the claims will come out.
Great...now we get hit with election shenanigans in the primaries.
I was there and there were many caucuses where the Clinton captain attempted to close the doors at 11:30. In most cases, where we had a strong precinct captain, we convinced the caucus chairperson that they were not allowed to close the doors until 12:00 and anyone in line was supposed to receive a card to vote.

In the Clinton caucus instruction book, it states that the doors would close at 11:30. It is not clear yet whether it was a mistake or intentional (I have my guess). The Nevada rules state that the caucus can be called to order at 11:30, but viability cannot be decided until 12:00 and anyone in line at 12 gets in.

I cannot say that it made a difference in the vote, and if it did, shame on us Obama supporters for letting them shut any of the doors early, but it is just one more dirty trick.

The way it would make a difference is that the Obama campaign was asking voters to arrive at 11:00 but also told them that if they were late, the doors would not shut until noon. I don’t know what Clinton volunteers were telling their supporters, but since their instruction book stated 11:30, chances are they told their supporters that 11:30 was the cutoff time.

What concerns me much more is the widespread dissemination of false facts about Obama. Snopes is my favorite website now because an amazing number of people I talk to while phone banking tell me one of the following all of which are untrue”

He refuses to stand for the pledge of allegiance.

He was raised a Muslim and only recently converted to Christianity to run for President.

Because he converted, Muslims are required to kill him as an infidel.

His father and family are radical Muslims.

He took the Senate oath of office on the Koran.

He is a member of Farakhan’s church.

There was also a widespread Robocall in NV stating that Barack Hussein Obama takes millions of dollars from federal PACs and the medical companies and then repeats his name several times.

The only evidence I know so far that the Clinton campaign is behind the false charges is that one of her volunteers in Iowa was distributing widely e-mails with such false charges. Of course, they could be coming from Repubs who want Obama to lose so they can run against Hillary, but I certainly would not put it past the Clinton campaign.
I'm no caucus expert, but isn't it already pretty much over unless Obama is going to win big on some of Hillary's turf (NY, AR, CA)?

I was doing a little counting on CNN with regard to expected delegates earlier, and, unless they are way off on the guesstimates of the places above, this isn't even close...

am i missing something?
HH, does "Dewey beats Truman" mean anything to you?

Seriously though, independents/undecided voters play a role and people can change their mind (especially where support is soft). Any candidate is capable of a "Howard Dean moment".

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