Obama on Guns

Ag- here's a tip: gun control is sucker bait for the left of my party in the same way that abortion and gay marriage is sucker bait in yours. Nobody cares, nobody is going to do a thing about it further than the toothless bans we have now.
I agree with you that it's sucker bait...to a point...

But, do you think McCain will be able to effectively say that "Obama wants to take your guns and with a Dem Congress he'll be allowed to"?

Do you see it being brought up as a central issue, the way gay marriage was in 2004?

I am a pro-gun Dem, and what I gather from gun-related discussion boards, the Repubs are just as concerned about McCain's stance on guns as they are Obama's.

Some even argue that they would rather a Dem be in office regarding that issue. The reasoning being that with a Dem, you already know what your getting, and the Repubs would already prepared to unite and fight against any anti-gun legislation they proposed.

But with McCain (or Romney before he dropped out), they could propose anti-gun legislation, and simply through party affiliation possible be able to slide it through.
Guns woot.
The DC case will probably make his stance moot. He will just harass FFL holders (i.e. deny them for no reason) and hopefully avoid Janet Reno's reign of terror.

In Europe, suppressors are considered polite (i.e. not magical devices that make a 9mm sound like a person spitting for purposes of assassination and espionage). We would do well to import that view.
1. i run into about 2 or 3 people per day that think obama is muslim.

2. from the link, where i stopped reading:

obama voted "no" on a bill to prohibit lawsuits against gun manufacturers whose products are misused.

Voting YES would...

"Exempt lawsuits brought against individuals who knowingly transfer a firearm that will be used to commit a violent or drug-trafficking crime."

i am confused. does this mean that those suits would still exist with a yes vote on the bill?
there is an msnbc analysis, linking to that same source cited under the statement about obama's support of banning all semi-auto's.The Link

it just states that he supports an assault weapons ban. confusing.
Day before yesterday I had to drive across town with a co-worker and he just went on and on about how Obama would force the Muslim faith on America. It didn't even faze him when I said Obama belongs to the United Church of Christ. He was basically convinced that we have some kind Islamic Manchurian candidate on our hands here.
If a President wanted to remove every gun in America, he would probably succeed in removing zero of them. Why, because he can't overrule the Constitution. In the short term he could, (i.e. Bush) but in the long run he can't.

If McCain brings up this topic, it would only show how desperate he would be.

Why not discuss issues that the President can actually affect?
actually, in the long run the president can impose a national gun ban..by selecting judges willing to void the 2nd amendment. therefor, the president's views on guns are very important.

Gun control, the gift that keeps on giving for the republicans.

Seriously, their isn't a congressman outside of the northeast and west coast ( R or D ) that is going to vote for any measure of gun control.
ive heard many times in the last three months someone saying they wont vote for obama because his name sounds too much like osama. now theres an intelligent rationale. might as well use his skin color.
Obama being anti-gun precludes him from winning necessary midwestern states like Ohio in the general election. It might even cost him Wisconsin (Kerry beat Bush by only a fraction of a percent there) or even Minnesota or Michigan (Kerry only beat Bush by 3% in both states) if he's not careful. Same with Iowa. And even New Hampshire, for that matter.

The threat of a strong anti-gun president moves otherwise disengaged people to vote, contribute money, and volunteer. And many of those socially conservative union types who could go either way will run away-- and fast-- from an anti-gun candidate.
If you read the link posted by the original poster, it's not nearly as extreme as some would it. Most it focuses on inner city gun crime, not rural hunters that have been referenced as so key to the election. He also says morality is part of solving gun crime, the same thing conservatives say (guns don't kill people, people kill people).

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