Obama Making Under The Table Deals With Russia?


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Screw NATO, let's help Russia, you know, the country that may have sent troops into Syria to support Assad and that was a big contributor to Iran's nuclear program and stabs us in the back every chance they get.

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Jesus. I was just about to poke fun at your link as I was assuming it was from Alex Jones or something but....CNN?!?!?

He should be lambasting those Neo-Commies for helping Assad in Syria. Iran too. Not coddling those that are contributing to the killing of innocents.
working them on missile defense (which Reagan offered to share with them twenty years ago) to assuage their fears about our surrounding them in order to get their assistance on matters elsewhere sounds like a good move to me.
He said he will have more flexiblity after this election. Yes he will
. He will have time to play more golf (if that's possible) instead of going to fund raisers and campaining.
This shouldn't surprise many. Without the fear of reelection any president can attempt to force through extreme agendas. I'm sure the left worried about Bush and in many ways their fears rang true. Obama being the most extreme president in years, possibly ever, it would stand to reason that he might do serious damage through executive orders, appointments and other unethical if not illegal actions.

That's another reason why gun sales are reaching peaks never before seen.
Gun sales are rising because of the insane levels of fear being generated among the ignoranti.

Obama is about as radical as Hoover.

The levels of paranoia in this country on the right are starting to match what I remember from the early 60s. Kennedy was a commie, LBJ was a commie, Ike was a commie, Rockefeller was a commie, I recall one right wing preacher from Arkansas warning conservatives to beware "that Episcopalian Jew, Barry Morris Goldwasser" from ARizona.

Turns out Goldwater was a conservative, LBJ and JFK were liberal anti communists and Ike was a great president who kept us out of unnecessary wars, was even handed in the middle east and ran tight budgets.

Lighten up, Francis.
**** that piece of ****.

That there are millions of people that still support this slimeball despite MULTIPLE examples that he has less integrity than Bernie Madoff, it is hard to fathom.

Again, I am convinced I am living in an episode of Twilight Zone.
I didn't vote for him in 2008 and wont vote for him this year, so I am not an acolyte for him. But......

The fact that when he first figured out that black americans distrusted him because he was raised by middle class white people in Hawaii and so he adopted a set of friends who would give him some street cred among "his people" does not surprise me any. When I showed up on the forty acres with cowshit on my boots and a south Texas twang you could use as a barbed wire substitute I quickly adopted some Dallas and New York jews as my running buddies so I could appear to be a genuine scholar instead of a rube from the mesquite patch.

I think that was the point Obama was making in describing his friends at the time. And being exposed to some commies and black liberation theology is more likely to be an immunization than a conversion. I speak from some experience. I got the full left wing treatment from Young Socialists, a few red diaper babies, etc and remained a staunch lover of capitalism. So too, my early exposure to right wing hysteria in the fifties from some family and lots of the military people I dealt with daily from the local military base did not turn me into any kind of rightie.

He took his kids to a nutty church, just like my girlfriend of many years now does. It was the thing to do for guys on the political prowl in chicago if they were black and worried that too many people would think he was acting white.

As for Ayers, by the time Obama met him he was an education reform jerkoff in Chicago and hadn't bombed anything in decades. I have a good friend who was a major dope dealer in the 60s and 70s and he drinks tea and barbecues on the week ends now. If he was blowing up buildings or smuggling drugs I would stay away from him.

My big problem with Obama is that he is another in a long line of Ivy League elitists who think they can reorder the world because they are so ******* smart and know what will work and what is best for everybody. See George W for another recent example of this insanity.

They just keep on kicking tar babies and getting lower class people like me killed. **** them all.

But I do not think Obama is filled with bad intentions or is a commie or a muslim or was born on Mars. I think people who indulge such fantasies are merlely eaten up with fear and it is a fear I have been hearing for fifty years now and agree with the poster who thinks he is living in the Twilight Zone, which I watched religiously as a kid when it first came out and closely resembled the world as I perceived it then and now.

I own and use shotguns and rifles and don't want any limits on my use to do so. That being said, I've gone to two gunshows this year and aside from the usual suspects in camo and the good ole boy hunters like myself, there is a disturbingly large number of gangstas showing up for these events now. And the salesmen at the show seem to have no disinclination to sell them whatever they want, which are not weapons I normally associate with bringing down deer or quail.

The massive transfer of arms to gangstas is not something anybody should avoid thinking about. The only good thing is that they mostly kill each other.
huisache you make some great points and each individually is logical. However, you excused early years of being in Hawaii and trying to fit in. Sounds reasonable.
Then you excuse the college years indoctrination because, hey everyone gets a little lefty influence in college. Understandable.
"Nutty" church is a VERY mild adjective to compare to Jeremiah Wright's teachings but ok, maybe girls drove him there like you.

My problem is that if you add all of these together as well as his immediate move from a socialist peer group in college to a full time job as a community organizer it's difficult to think that he doesn't think in a similar manner.

Turn this around and say the GOP candidate grew up in Mississippi and felt like he needed to befriend a radical group to fit in. Then goes to college and idolized professors who preach very extreme theories. Then his passion in life is to gather people and organize protests. By the way he is friends with Jeffery Skillings, but that's ok because Jeff hasn't committed a crime in several years. Meanwhile he has devoted 20 YEARS to a a church with a man that spews hatred.

Would the media describe this candidate as misunderstood and unfairly categorized as an extremist? Or might there be enough smoke to be concerned with the possibility of getting burned?
Can you imagine Reagan or Kennedy asking their Russian Counterpart to wait until after my last election?

What a fool...........It's almost like FDR at Yalta....what a fool!
FDR at Yalta had to keep Stalin happy to guarantee he would help us out fighting Japan after the Russians had finished off the Germans, at much greater expense to them in blood than us. The bulk of the Japanese army was in China and Stalin could get at them a lot easier than us and could take most of the casualties. Sparing a million or so GIs like my dad.

I like thinking like that. Too bad we have so many armchair Napoleons running our country now. Let the other guys do the bleeding. One of the reaons FDR is correctly viewed by serious people as a very good wartime leader.

He gave up part of eastern Europe, which were not going to be free anyway, to save American lives. America first, let the other guy bleed. I would vote for him.

The FDR rolled over at Yalta argument has been made by dull witted Americans who don't mind getting other people's blood on their hands for decades. There was nothing we could do to get the Reds out of the areas they conquered. Make the best out of a bad situation. Too bad W and Obama don't have a little of that in their Ivy League heads.
dheim: I said my gf goes to a nutty church, not that she drove me there. I think he attended Wright's nutty church because it was the hot church in Chicago for establishing black credibility for someone with political ambitions.

Hanging with socialists in college doesn't mean you are one. Joining a community organizing outfit means you are an incrementalist rather than a revolutionary. What were they organizing to do, seize the means of production or get better drainage systems and trash pickup? People who have never dealt with these groups don't seem to understand what they actually do. If my gf organizes a soup kitchen for homeless people does that mean she wants to overthrow the state or turn Egypt into a workers' paradise?

Community organizers are basically just lobbyists for the poor in that they organize substandard neighborhoods to demand better public services. Sort of like a chamber of commerce for poor people.

I see Obama as a guy who was raised white, decided to side with the blacks, but also decided he wanted to live in Hyde Park, be married to a Princeton grad, make some money, send his girls to private schools and do a good turn in politics.

I'm not a big fan of his but would be willing to bet my house that after he leaves office he spends a lot of time making money. The commie rat.
Some good points made by huis. Agree with a lot of it.

To me, the biggest issue here is the statement about the coming election. perhaps all presidents would do the same however I would like to think there have been a few who wouldnt. But BO is basically saying he is making foreign policy decisions for our country based on how he thinks it will affect his election. Lets just **** what is good for the country or what we believe is right. he will just do or say whatever he thinks will get him reelcted. Sad really.
do we want a POTUS who is more concerned with getting reelected that in being the leader of the country to which he was elected once?
Also I am not sure living the high good life now or even in the future reveals anything or refutes what BO's past shows.
I can think of any number of so called marxist/ commies who live or lived extremely well
Maybe he thinks currying favor with Vlad the Tyrant might help advance our goals in Iran and Syria and is saying you play ball with me and I will play with you but unlike you I have to run in unrigged elections and trying to explain what I am doing with you to a voting public influenced by an incompetent "news" media is too much trouble, so be patient, I'll be with you later.
Make all the excuses youwant to. The guy's is a socialist at heart and the American people should be ashamed of electing such a dangerous character to the highest office in the land. And, yes, I do think he's dangerous. His track record speaks for itself. I think the Twiligt Zone reference from a previous poster sums up my feelings as well. This SOB got elected because their was a large segment of the population that felt good about voting for a black candidate. It didn't matter to them what his qualifications (or lack thereof), agenda, and past history were. They fell for his rhetoric hook, line, and sinker and will now make any excuse to defend him regardless of what surfaces. Thank goodness there exists a congress to half-*** keep him in check.
Make all the excuses you want to. The guy's is a socialist at heart and the American people should be ashamed of electing such a dangerous character to the highest office in the land. And, yes, I do think he's dangerous. His track record speaks for itself. I think the Twiligt Zone reference from a previous poster sums up my feelings as well. This SOB got elected because their was a large segment of the population that felt good about voting for a black candidate. It didn't matter to them what his qualifications (or lack thereof), agenda, and past history were. They fell for his rhetoric hook, line, and sinker and will now make any excuse to defend him regardless of what surfaces. Thank goodness there exists a congress to half-*** keep him in check.
Talk about dim witted Americans......

The only reason the "We will lose 1 million American lives...." line was used was to diffuse the use of the bomb, make it an either or choice. We knew we had the bomb and the results that would ensue. What do you think they created that bomb in a month? Hell, Truman was caught dumbfounded that we had such a weapon.

We didn't need the Russians to help with Japan, as a matter of fact we didn't want their help. We only said that so they would not find out that we had the bomb.

Giving up Eastern Europe was a crime against humanity and any liberal would have to agree with that......I am by no means saying more blood should have been spilled.....

FDR surrounded himself with incredible people that were born, bred and raised for this specific war......not many wars in the history of the World have seen such great generals as Marshall, Ike, Patton, Bradley, Macarthur and another dozen that I am forgetting off the top of my head.

For anybody to say that FDR was successful at Yalta is just fooling themselves and you talk about dim witted.....
Yalta was not a success, it was a series of choices between evils. FDR did not know what the bomb woud do, nobody did for sure. And keep in mind that we had to drop two of them to seal the deal.

It is real easy to second guess people after everything has worked itself out. From the start of the war, US policy people figured we needed the Russians to do most of the heavy lifting to avoid losing millions ourselves. So we slow played Europe while the commies bled the Germans on the eastern front and didn't invade France until halfway through 1944. The wait was worth it; we lost a lot less men and the Nazis were a lot more exhausted than in '43.

We slow played Japan as well. We passed on Iwo to go after the Philipines and then set up for the invasion. We did not know how effective the bomb would be or whether it would even work when used in war situations, as opposed to out in the desert in New Mexico.

FDR conceded nothing at Yalta that Stalin wasn't going to be taking anyway. The only way to get him out was a war and the greatest generation was already tired of the ones we were in and would not have supported another. And we didn't have a whole lot of atomic bombs. If we went to war with STalin over Poland and Hungary, et al, the reds would have been all over Europe before we had enough atomic bombs to fight back.

Yalta was a series of bad but necessary decisions.

Wars seldom turn out the way you expect, which is why they are best avoided if possible.

As for the socialism bit, Obama is not doing anything that every democratic president since Truman has not given a shot. So if he is a socialist, then so were Truman, Kennedy, Johnson, Carter, Clinton. And the American people have ratified with their votes, repeatedly, the steps first taken by FDR in terms of a social safety net.
Please quit calling them the Greatest Generation....yea the Greatest Generation that has indebted this country Trillions and Trillions of dollars that has now led us to over what 15 Trillion.

Give me $15 Trillion dollars and you will call me the greatest man alive.

The Greatest Generation my ***......do you want to talk about the lives lost in Korea? How about Vietnam? How about he crooked way of doing business and the bloat of the Federal Government?

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