Obama in Austin for Rally Friday Night


1,000+ Posts
For all going downtown on Friday night, come a little early...

Please join Barack Obama at a Stand for Change Rally in Austin, where he'll talk about his vision for bringing America together and bringing about the kind of change we can believe in.

Stand for Change Rally with Barack Obama

Friday, February 22, 2008
Gates Open: 6:00 p.m.
Program Begins: 9:00 p.m.

Congress Avenue at 11th Street
Austin, TX 78701
Public Entrance: Located at 10th Street

Click below to RSVP

The event is free and open to the public; however an RSVP is required. Space is available on a first come, first served basis. For security reasons, do not bring bags. Please limit personal items. No signs or banners are permitted.

If you have any questions, please contact the campaign at (512) 476-2008 or [email protected] . Thanks for your support!
I'm sure every Prius in town will be in downtown Austin tomorrow night and Little City will be making lattes non-stop for five hours.
They want to have a general idea of how many people will show up.
It is going to be crazy down there.

20,000+ at least...I wouldn't be surprised if this topped the 30,000 number.
Mr. Wizard I salute you and your insights into Obama....

Obama gives new meaning to the term 'bleeding heart liberal'. He has no head what so ever.... what a NTAC....
THEU, you are not even worth responding to.

Now as for J.Blacks, I will be there and bring some other volunteers with me.

I was on the conference call last night and apparently we get VIP tickets for the Rally! (Don't really know what that means but I am excited none the less)

Hope I get to shake hands with THEU's NTAC!
I know.. maybe Ted Kennedy can drive me to the rally and I can pray that if we run off the road into Town Lake I can get out of the car before I drowned.
Washing America down the toilet and giving over American sovereignty to the UN is no type of 'Change' that I see as positive.
Here is 'saying somtething.' I got in my car yesterday to hear a 30 second ad for Obama on the radio. The ad claimed that Obama is going to give Americans universal health care and that for the average family healthcare will be reduced $2,500 per year. Now let me ask how that is even possible? That is a very thin empty promise.
How about that Obama's campaign admitted yesterday that the draw down in Iraq is Obama's plan right now, but that he will have to actually have to wait and access the situation before he can actually commit to the drawdown. Genius to promise things that he is now having to admit he can't carry out.
Obama's idea to help Americans save is to have the federal government get in the pension business and match monies set aside by people. That is his plan for social security. There is no real plan about what to do for young workrs like me who pay into the system currently. How will he 'fix' projected short falls in the system? No word on fixing shortfalls, other than to promise to hand out MORE money. How absurd is that?
Obama also says that in America people of various religions need to find common ground and come together. It is clear in the world that war over religious belief that is currently ongoing is because people do not have common ground. As has been stated before, how do you find common ground with someone who wants to kill you? That is the stated purpose of radical Muslims. I do NOT paint all Muslims with that picture at all, but it is not ALL Muslims with which we fight. We are in a global war for truth. Obama seems to ascribe to a post modern thought that truth is merely what we make it rather than eternally and external realities that do not change.
I have never before been so frightened of a world leader. He reminds me of Adolf Hitler who said that if you tell bold enough lies often enough people will believe them. This is exactly what Obama has done. I know I have often flamed on Obama on the West Mall. I have been wrong to do that in many instances and I even edited the first post I made on this thread which was COMPLETELY inappropriate. I do apolgise for it.

Your posts are simply outrageous.

You are fearful of Barack Obama because he wants to change things.

I can almost guarantee that you were not afraid of George W. Bush when he ran for president, you may have even voted for him and look what he has done. He has absolutely destroyed this country from the inside to the far reaches of the world.

You need a serious reality check and it is abundantly clear that the fear tactics that the right use have worked wonders on your brain.

Take a step back, a deep breath and think about what you just said...you compared this man to Adolph Hitler.

That, if any, should be a post that you should edit.

What a ******* joke.

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