I see the office of the Presidency in a much different light than Podhoretz. As such, I think his article misses the boat. Maybe Podhoretz is right and I'm wrong, but here's my assessment of Obama in a rather length nutshell.
The public's perception of the Presidential job description is one thing. Unfortunately for the nation, the actual duties have morphed into something quite different.
When the President is sworn into office, he takes an oath to uphold the Constitution. This document is the law of the land and the President is supposedly in charge of enforcing the law and protecting the nation's citizens. In reality, from Clinton to Bush to Obama, we've seen the Presidency appoint to the Attorney General office Janet Reno, John Ashcroft, and Eric Holder. Any serious research indicates that these men (and I include Janet Reno unless someone can prove Reno is a woman) were chosen not to enforce the Constitution, but to protect the Executive Branch and the powerful corporate/banking interests that lobby and fund the political parties. Thus the actual job description for the modern day President is not necessarily to serve the citizens of the United States, but rather the power interests including the governmental bureaucracies and the powerful corporations. The oath of office is merely for show. Sadly, it means nothing.
In the past decade. we've seen whistle blowers punished, while powerful banks involved with money laundering (Wells Fargo) and falsifying documents (practically all the big banks) received bailouts. We've seen billions of dollars squandered and unaccounted for in Iraq (Bush). We've seen Obama recklessly hand out billions of dollars away to cronies only to see their companies fold (Solyndra). Was this stupidity or incompetence? I think not. This is corruption. The fact that it goes unpunished and largely unreported on shows just how compromised the system has become.
Podhoretz's article points out Obama's shady background; his association with Ayers and Wright, his failure/reluctance to disclose birth records and grades, etc. Isn't this what one would expect if you were looking for a mafia don? And that's my point. The primary function of the Office of the Presidency is to conduct business as a mafia don. Obama fits the bill.
With Bush, we saw the Presidency use signing statements to bypass legislation. Under the Obama Presidency, signing statements have accelerated, contrary to what Obama campaigned on.
With Bush, we saw government the Executive Branch torture detainees, wiretap American citizens, and conduct searches without warrants. Under Obama, despite promises to the contrary, we've seen these practices accelerate.
Under Bush, the Secretary of Treasury - former Goldmanite Hank Paulson - was allowed to extort hundreds of billions of dollars from the US Treasury to bailout the banking system and AIG. The recipients of the bailouts knowingly committed acts of fraud (and still do) with respect to forging documents and misrepresenting information. This subsequently induced the ongoing global economic morass. We were told no crimes were committed. Obama was elected with the understanding he would clean up the mess. Not only has he not followed through on his promise, Obama has rewarded and followed the the same corrupt bankers/economist that caused the problem. People like Jon Corzine, Tim Geithner, Robert Rubin, and Larry Summers all profited immensely from the schemes their respective companies perpetrated which led to the near collapse of the economy.
Besides serving the bureaucracies and corporate powers, the President's other major duty is to persuade the American people that he serves them. In order to pull this off, the President has to be able to lie with no conscience, speak eloquently, and relate to the common man (on a pseudo level). Obama fits the bill. Recently, when it was pointed out that a character in his book did not actually exist, Obama countered the discovery by stating that the character was a composite of several people. Everyone knows he is an effective public speaker. His knowledge of sports and participation in basketball help him relate to things the general public know well.
In summation, Obama is not fit to serve as President when held to the standard we learned in school; upholding the Constitution and governing effectively by striving to serve the citizens of the United States.
But when taking a more jaded view - one that I believe is more accurate - Obama is extremely qualified to serve as President. He is intelligent, duplicitous, and is a reflection of the corrupt system that now controls government. Choosing Romney won't change much. If he was any different than Obama, he would not have advanced as far as he has.
Podhoretz stated that liberalism, white guilt, and perhaps affirmative action is the primary reason that Obama was elected. I'd say that these things were merely the tools used by a now corrupt system in order to get Obama in office. The same system will use other tools to get Romney or the next Bush in office. The system is broken. How else can years of Executive corruption exponentially increase without any arrests, checks, or balances?