How could I have prevented 9/11?
Are you suggesting that invading Iraq would have accomplished that?
Rather then spouting off some disorganized, nebulous, and meaningless grand questions please try to stick to the concrete.
I am very interested in how you seem to be linking invading Iraq on the grounds they have WMD to preventing 9/11. Please flesh this out further. I eagerly anticipate your analysis and conclusions.
Or are you saying that Iraq was going to engage in US terrorism if we didn't invade? Which leads me to think that you bought into Cheney's "AQ in Iraq" nonsense.
The problem here is that too many people suspend what little cognitive abilities they do have when the President says "either you're with me or you're with the terrorists". This leads to things like invading Iraq over WMD, thinking that Iraq was behind 9/11, and accepting the US engaging in torture.
My big complaint was starting a war over WMDs. That clearly was not needed. The goal was not to find WMDs, for we didn't need an expensive (both in $ and in lives) war to do that, but to remove Saddam from power. Even now, it seems, people fail to grasp that.
In case you forgot, it took longer than 3 months; we weren't hailed as liberators; we didn't instill western-style democracy... need I go on?
Bush going into Iraq was a total f***-job on America. It was not needed. Not to say that Iraq wasn't bad, or that some kind of response to 9/11 wasn't needed, but going to war in Iraq was not the thing. But since it's "unpatriotic" to disagree, because by disagreeing one doesn't "support the troops" (and all the other specious statements) we revert to "Saddam bad, US good" thinking and ignorantly gloss over the details.