Obama-Bradley effect

Feh. this is just teeth gnashing. We aren't to the general yet, and it remains to be seen if Obama will even get the nod within his party. The General is 9 months away, Obama, Clinton and McCain all have plenty of time to commit legit election sepeku before the voters even get their first real swing to show how racist/sexist we are.

Pace yourself folks.
While this is certainly food for thought as far as Obama's campaign is concerned, I'm more interested in whether Republicans like pevo and 6721 believe this is how the GOP will win the election. Are you guys counting on the Bradley Effect?
counting on the Bradely effect? don't be silly.
I didn't even know it was a suggested reason for what happened in a race in Calif until today.
I am counting on facts, experience and positions on policies.
Unlike many who are counting on " feeling good"
not that I can blame them, but isn't there a reverse Bradley effect going on in the Dem primaries? A racial divide clearly exists in the Dem primaries -- blacks for obama, latinos mostly for clinton, asians for clinton, whites more split.
The whole "are we ready for a black president" thing is really tired. How about the fact that the only people bringing this **** up are the media who is making race an issue all the while telling us every single day of our lives race shouldn't ever be an issue. Geezus. Just let us move on for God's sakes. I am sure most people can figure out who they want to be our next president and I bet that most of the people who are going to vote based on race are not white.
I find it interesting that the people here pulling out "Bradley effect" and "some/many whites votes for a black man" were the same people who were shouting that all is well with racial relations in this country.

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