obama admin emails on Solyndra


I have 2 questions about this massive Solyndra F'up by Obama and his minions.

1. Why was it structured that if Solyndra went bankrupt the private investors for money first?
from WSJ
'Under the restructuring, the DOE agreed that in the event of a default and liquidation, the government would be paid after private creditors providing a new $69 million loan that the company said it needed to stay afloat.

The deal was unusual for the U.S., which is usually the most senior creditor in any type of loan or guarantee."

2. What is revealed in these emails that ahould make any Obama suporter puke?
From Wapo
A White House official fretted privately that the Obama administration could suffer serious political damage if it gave additional taxpayer support to the beleaguered solar-panel company Solyndra, according to newly released e-mails.

and this from the OMIB- I thought the OMB was " non-partisan"?
"“The optics of a Solyndra default will be bad,” the Office of Management and Budget staff member wrote Jan. 31 in an e-mail to a co-worker. “If Solyndra defaults down the road, the optics will be arguably worse later than they would be today. . . . In addition, the timing will likely coincide with the 2012 campaign season heating up.”

The Link

Where in any of the information coming from the obama WH is any concern for huge loss of taxpayer money?
Adding Question
3 Did Obama REALLY loan over a half a billion of our money to a compnay making solar panels that cost $6.00 but sold for $3.00

funny vid about it from John Stewart
linked from ABC
The Link
Sickening corruption.

And you libs can spare me the "all politicians do it" crap. Yes, they all do, to a certain extent. But Obama (the man who said he was going to clean up Washington - lol) has taken to a level no one ever thought possible.
Bush administration was pressured and did not approve. Yeah, they're all corrupt.
How stupid does the obama admin look? Thye actually tried to deflect blame to Bush by saying this project came up during Bush Admin . Obama just neglected to mention bush admin turned it down.

NOW we are finding out the interest rate given to solyndra was much lower than on loans given to other green compnaies during same time frame.

Could there be anything else wrong with this?
I want to know where the $ went I also want to know how much was funnelled back to Obama re-election bank accounts.

I also want to know if the billionaire invester (name escapes me) managed to recover his initial investment out of the loan money and I want all of his campaign contributions scrutinized, along with every board member and CxO of that company. All contributions from any PACs that are associated with Solyndra also need to be scrutinized.

This smacks of a money laundering scheme for campaign funds.
George Kaiser of Tulsa Ok is the investor through Argonaut Ventures that Obama protected ahead of the taxpayers.
From Ap
An Associated Press review of regulatory filings shows that Solyndra was hemorrhaging hundreds of millions of dollars for years before the Obama administration signed off on the original $535 million loan guarantee in September 2009. The company eventually got $528 million.
Argonaut is an investment vehicle of the George Kaiser Family Foundation of Tulsa, Okla. The foundation is headed by billionaire George Kaiser, a major Obama campaign contributor and a frequent visitor to the White House. Kaiser raised between $50,000 and $100,000 for Obama's 2008 campaign, federal election records show. Kaiser has made at least 16 visits to the president's aides since 2009, according to White House visitor logs."The Link

The other investor that will get paid before taxpayers is Madrone Partners. the AP reports says madrone is " affiliated with" with the Walton family but doesn't explain how it is affliated.
then AP goes on to report a Walton son gave HORRORS of all HORRORS $2500 to the GOP.
what has gone largely unmentioned up until now is that BO made the $525 million loan with the full knowledge that PwC had issued a going concern opinion. Corruption or incompetence.....take your pick.
How many of obama's admin should face fraud charges under the Energy Policy Act of 2005?The Link

The first fraud was in pushing the loan a mere 6 days after obama took office when the Bush admin turned it down 16 days before Obama took office and said it needed further review.

Who thinks someone in a brand new admin thought out of the blue Solyndra was so important it was ok to not investigate thoroughly but to guarantee a shaky loan of OUR money? Who would have known Solyndra's largest investor was a major Obama donor?
How much did solyndra and exectives give to obama?
Who chose to ignore the bollboard size warnings?
Coincidence, utter stupidity or fraud?
Obamedia won't be able to sweep this under the rug

and LightSquared is right behind it
Gunwalker is in front of it but isn't going away
This whole raping of the taxpayer stinks from top to bottom.
So even though the obama admin knew solyndra was going under they restructured the loan that in the event of bankruptcy allowed the 2 top private investors get paid before us.
We know that both investors donated heavily to obma and Dems

Now we learn the Okie, Faiser , donated 10k to Michelle Obama's " Urban Health Initiative".

So kaiser gives money to Obama, even holds a fund raiser for obama in his home, gives money to Obama's wife's project and the Obama protects Kaiser ahead of taxpayer?

Just a lucky coincidence?
You post an "opinion piece" from the NYTimes as proof nothing is wrong with how Solyndra got a half a bil of our money in a loan guarantee in the first place and then got their loan restructured so obama supporters would get paid before the taxpayers when Solyndra went bankrupt?

really? You think that oped proves anything?
Go to first paragraph when your writers says no one will serve time in jail?
Who in Congress has mentioned criminal charges?

Then your writer mentions the gov't loans money or guarantees money all the time without a guarantee of repayment>
has a govt EVER loaned a half a bil before? and to a company that was turned down 2 weeks before by a previous POTUS?
has a gov't ever loaned a half a bil to a compnay that was so shaky on paper at the time of the loan guarantee?
has a gov't ever loaned a half a bil to a company with such traceable links directly to the POTUS ?
traceable to people who will benefit ahead of taxpayers when that company then went backrupt?

sorry your and your writer's pathetic attempt to mischaracterize the ' scandal" is laughable.
Wow, I thought you were going to post a link to an article that actually tried to address the specifics of the accusations. That was pathetic. Other than his point about the government being required to invest in more high-risk investments (which btw is ridiculous and wrong), he made no attempt at all to address the issue other than to say "it's no big deal."

Oh, ok, the flack from the Times says don't care about it. Problem solved!

That link you posted is embarrassing. Either you are just being a goof ball and our sarcasm meter didn't work our you need help due to being so far left that you are out of sight from even the farest left. It's actually insulting to any American that is not classified as mentally retarded to try to pass a piece like that. Even Bevo Incognito is smart enough to not touch this subject because there is no defending it.

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