Nursing Home Sex


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People with dementia too severe for moral restraint still have sexual urges and enjoy sex. This is an issue for Solomon too decide, but I tend to feel that if nobody is being injured or exploited, sex might be a good thing.

Here is a thoughtful piece on the issue from BloombergThe Link
Darn Deez: I was thinking you would have something wise to say about an issue on the frontiers of freedom and emotional well being of people just a couple of decades older than me.
no joke there is a guy I've met (unfortunately) that my grandfather knew fairly well. In his late 50s early 60s he had a brain tumor that they removed and he was unable to take care of himself and had no family, so he moved into the nursing home. After about a year his rehab was going very well and he started to be able to do things on his own. Well not too shortly after that he was kicked out of the nursing home. According to my grandfather he was "romancing" too many of the women and they were fighting over him.

That being said any man in a Nursing home has huge odds and there most likely isn't enough Viagra to allow that man to take care of ALL the needs in the home.
Yeah, WTH, you don't have much to lose at that point.

Firing off the last bullet and then kicking the bucket seems like a good way to go.
The STD rates in senior homes and community areas are skyrocketing. I read this in a couple places but wish I hadn't. They have zero concept to prevention and various forms spread like wild fire.

A man and woman in a nursing home started messing around and decided to go "all the way". After she took her top off she warned the almost deaf man that she had "acute angina". He promptly replied "that's good, because you have some really ugly tits."

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