North Korean Dream Video Show U.S. Under Attack


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This seems to represent an uptick in the propaganda warfare being waged on the U.S. by North Korea.

A video posted to YouTube by the North Korean official website "Uriminzokkiri" shows a young N. Korean dreaming of a North Korean Space Shuttle that circles the Earth, which features a united Korea, and also of rocket attacks on a U.S. city that looks alot like N.Y.

A translation of the text reads: "Somewhere in the United States, black clouds of smoke are billowing. It seems that the nest of wickedness is ablaze."

The background music is "We Are The World". It is hokey, but the production values are fairly high. The NK government puts some thought and resources into making this thing.

The Link

Good thing Obama is selecting men who champion a strong U. S. defense, like Kerry and Hagel, to lead us through these troubled times.
If the video is an indication of their ability to actually accomplish this, I think we're safe. Unfortunately, they're eventually going to figure out how to launch a missile across the ocean.
the US waged a war of aggression against England to detach Canada in 1812, waged a war of aggression against Mexico (my personal favorite) a war of aggression in stealing Hawaii, all of the /American west, the Philipines, PuertoRico, and a few others we didn't keep. Everybody in the world knows it except the average American, who does know that Crabtree was held, and so many are leary of being subject to our interest and want to have a suicide weapon just in case we try to jump them. So far, China, Russia, India, Pakistan, Israel and a few others have, for various reasons involving self defense, developed these weapons. Nobody has used them but us and that was when we were the only folks who had them,

The NKs are a bit crazy but aren't likely to attack us unless we sit on them.
Kerry and Hagel not only favor a strong defense, they actually participated in it when young, unlike the cowards who ran the last administration for the duck out king from MIdland, You remember, the guys who got us into that unneeded war in Iraq that turned the Persian Gulf area into a fiefdom for the Shiites? And quagmired us in Afghanistan?

IN the Hagel hearings the word Israel popped up scores of times but the problems brewing between China and Japan, whom we are pledged to defend, hardly got any mention.
Sweet acacia, didn't Kerry call himself a war criminal on Meet the Press and list the war crimes he said he committed in Vietnam? He shot in free fire zones, fired .50-caliber machine gun bullets, used harass-and-interdiction fire, joined in search-and-destroy missions, and burned villages. Violating the Geneva Convention should have negative ramifications. And just because a person fought in a war does not in itself make him strong on defense or give him cred for developing military or state strategy.
Why would I want to leave my favorite country? I'm just pointing out that we have a long history of clobbering people for our own purposes and everybody knows it except our own brainwashed public,

I have a friend who was military attache to an asian country back in the '80s who tells of being approached by a drunk russian diplomat who told him we were the most violent, aggressive people in the history of the world., My friend, leaving the French, Germans and English to the side, replied "you are damned right and you ******** better never forget it."

I don't repeat the story because I agree with it, but to illustrate my point that a lot of people fear us and not without cause.

We never attacked the soviets directly because they had nukes too. Pakistan developed them for fear of India, etc.
Dictatorships are more prone to war but totalitarian regimes generallydon't fare well in wars against democratic governments with comparable resources. See the Israel vs. all comers in the Middle East.
The apolgy tour by obama was long overdue then, right?
Helps to sooth the pain felt from years of being the bully
It's a start anyway..
I love all these liberals that detest war and belive in peace, and everyone is a war monger, they spit on our soldiers coming back and now they love them and how it is so wrong for them to do a job they volunteer for.......

I say bring soldiers from around the world home all of them. Lock down our borders, build a bad *** navy to protect our merchant ships and let the rest of the world kill each other and reduce illegal immigration to zero.

It is so funny how the liberal view of peace and war is so in line with Herbert Hoover, it really is ironic.
Who said I was anti war? I specifically mentioned that the war against Mexico was a favorite. And anyone who doubts it was a war of aggression should read Polk's war diary(he is my favorite president) and familiarize themselves with US Grant's memoirs in which he describes the war with Mexico, which he fought in, as the worst incident in history of a powerful country beating up on a weak one. I disagree with him there----I guess he was an america hating liberal peacenik anti war commie.

I love this country just as I have loved some girlfriends who were of dubious virtue----I loved them anyway and did not feel compelled to argue they were virgins in spite of the evidence,

Faulkner (he was a novelist from Mississippi) said you like people because and you love them in spite of, That is how I feel about my native country and state.

The koreans are a government of bedwetting nutcases and made this propaganda in a foolish attempt to intimidate the US. That is not to say we should not be concerned----they are a menace for real.I just don't think that overreacting to this childish nonsense is helpful. The problems between Japan and China are a lot more important in the long run,.

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