I had a chance to meet and hang out with a few times Ricky during the Spring of 1996 and the horrible 4-7 campaign in 1997. Let me make this clear- we weren’t best friends and other than a casual acquaintanceship I wasn’t all that close to him, but I just have to tell my fellow longhorns the little I knew of him. Ricky was one of nicest, most honest and just downright sweetest people I ever met. He was painfully shy and whenever I was around, people wouldn’t say “Hi Ricky,” they would say “OH MY GOD!! “which you could imagine made him feel extremely awkward. He was very smart- bordering on brilliant and would refuse to talk bad about people or use swear words in public places. One time, when kids chased after his car by campus because they recognized him, he grabbed a spear football from his back seat signed it and tossed it to them. He never thought he was better than anyone. After the hype and press at the start of Mack’s first year- he wasn’t around campus, he just stayed focused on football and I never saw him one-on-one after that.
Since then, throughout his troubles I have watched as Longhorns have slowly disowned him, shaking their heads in shame. I just hope some of us know that, excluding Ty Detmer, all of the Heisman trophy winners and runners-up have smoke pot at one time or another. Tree quarters of every college team smokes pot….pot if you’re lucky. In the NFL, athletes pump themselves with HGH and various steroids of all types that would make the old Communist Olympic teams blush.
Ricky was an awesome runner, but an even better person. I pray we get more potheads like Ricky on the 40 acers and less like Ramonce.
Yeah,Im A Dolphins season ticket holder I met him at the draft party in April.Always been amazed how humble he is,I hope he kicks *** too.We were pretty hyped up when he came back last year only to have a season ending injury right away.I figure Parcells to be a smart guy and he still see's promise in him.Ricky obviously wouldn't be there otherwise.
there is so much longhorn worship for potheads (MM) etc and so many posters here who do the weed/alcoholics/coke whores etc. ... why so much hypocrisy. Of course this is a little bit of hypocrisy but not by much.
um, beencounting, what's your point? Are the posters here too hard on players for weed and such? I've always felt that the majority of posters are very forgiving and realize that these are real people who make mistakes just like themselves. Oh and I've never smoked weed.