Wow. Hard to watch on ESPN, I gave up. Commissioner announces draft pick, grown men dressed like clowns in the audience erupt, fireworks go off, a band plays Beatie Boys, each band member exaggerated movement like a jr high talent show, two huge Jerrahesk video screens show graphics…. Are people this ADHD???
I miss the fact based discussions and information on who’s available … Dam I’m old.
Like the absurd HS Under Armor throne chair with fireworks for a player scoring a TD. I laughed when I saw it. Then I changed the channel.
I had to turn off the draft and meditate to get back to even ground last night as well.
I miss the fact based discussions and information on who’s available … Dam I’m old.
Like the absurd HS Under Armor throne chair with fireworks for a player scoring a TD. I laughed when I saw it. Then I changed the channel.
I had to turn off the draft and meditate to get back to even ground last night as well.
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