A number of inside-the-beltway establishment Republicans have apparently been asking the question, "How do we stop Newt?"
It has been posited by some that this reaction is due to their own fear of Newt coming in and cleaning house just like he says he will, upsetting the Washington status quo, which these people have built their lives around. They respond that he is too egotistical and into himself and is at once erratic and out of control and therefore should not be put into that kind of position of power.
But he is also the only person on the stage who has currently led the passage of a major reform and change in direction in Washington. Maybe someone with some real passion and who is not afraid of some controversy is needed to actually do something like this.
What do the times that we live in call for? Is it time for another four years waiting until the next election until someone better comes along, because the current occupant of the White House does not have the leadership ability, the courage or the commitment to take on the potentially disastrous challenges that our country faces?
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It has been posited by some that this reaction is due to their own fear of Newt coming in and cleaning house just like he says he will, upsetting the Washington status quo, which these people have built their lives around. They respond that he is too egotistical and into himself and is at once erratic and out of control and therefore should not be put into that kind of position of power.
But he is also the only person on the stage who has currently led the passage of a major reform and change in direction in Washington. Maybe someone with some real passion and who is not afraid of some controversy is needed to actually do something like this.
What do the times that we live in call for? Is it time for another four years waiting until the next election until someone better comes along, because the current occupant of the White House does not have the leadership ability, the courage or the commitment to take on the potentially disastrous challenges that our country faces?
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