Newt on the warpath

So what? Romney is the proto-typical Republican.

What does Newt have against the free market and capitalism? Or are we in bizarro-world and Newt has turned Democrat?

Why would any Republican hold this video against Mister Mitt?
Here's some reality bytes:

Town, Cast as Romney’s Victim, Says, ‘Huh?’


GAFFNEY, S.C. — This small Southern town that once boomed with peaches and cotton mills has found itself the unexpected star of the latest bruising fight in the race for the Republican presidential nomination.

It was here in a corner of the state not far from the North Carolina border that Bain Capital, the private equity firm led by Mitt Romney, closed a factory that produced photo scrapbooks. The decision put 150 people out of work. Mr. Romney’s company profited.

In a new barrage of political advertisements and speeches here, three of Mr. Romney’s opponents in South Carolina’s primary on Jan. 21 have used Gaffney and Bain’s business practices in other communities across the country as a kind of battering ram to portray him as a job-destroying robber baron.

Gov. Rick Perry of Texas picked up the theme this week, calling Mr. Romney a “vulture capitalist” and pointing to Gaffney as an example of the depths to which Mr. Romney will stoop to make a profit.

There is a problem, though. Here in Gaffney, where deeply held Christian beliefs often matter more than jobs, few remember the Holson Burnes photo album plant, let alone the devastation its closing is alleged to have caused back in 1992.

“I have been here all my life,” said Ed Elliott, who sells insurance. “I’m 59 years old, and I’ve never heard of the plant.”

That Bain’s actions carry little resonance in a community whose woes have been seized on by presidential candidates testifies to the impact of the campaigns’ opposition research and their willingness to exploit a convenient storyline. Here in Gaffney, the focus is a little embarrassing for residents who do not know what all the fuss is about.

At The Gaffney Ledger, a newspaper established in 1894 that seems to cover everything from stolen mopeds to the Y.M.C.A. basketball league, the publisher, Cody Sossamon, looked through old microfilm to refresh his memory. He could not find one drop of ink that was spent on the factory closing.

“Nobody here really cares about that. It wasn’t a big deal,” Mr. Sossamon said. “We’re looking for a new school superintendent. That and the economy are what people really care about right now.”

Others are similarly mystified.

“I have to be honest with you, and I feel bad saying this, but I had to go look it up when all this started to come out,” said Kayla Robbs, the executive director of the Cherokee County Chamber of Commerce, which hosted an after-hours business mixer on Thursday.

From the NYT.
Comparing campaign commercials and the truth can be a lot of fun. The more bs that gets dished out, the less seriously any of it is taken.
Didn't the world end last year when the oil well exploded? It was right after all the riots in the summer due to economic collapse

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