NeWorlDeli- my new favorite sandwich shop


500+ Posts
Well I tried a new place out today for a sandwich called NeWorlDeli (all one word instead of New World Deli) on Guadalupe right across from the State Hospital sort of near Hyde Park Gym.

Now i don't know if everything is good buy my sandwich was kick *** and the wheat bread was exceptional. I think a large sandwich was like $5.75 which was more like two sandwiches out of a sliced loaf. They had some good looking desserts, but I rarely eat a dessert at lunch.

Anyhow I really liked it and thought the QUALITY was exceptional. Just wondering if anyone else has tried the place?
used to eat at the downtown location about once a week before it closed. That was about 2-3 years ago. Excellent sandwiches and great Broccoli Cheese soup, too.
I haven't been to the Kitchen Door in years, I just don't get out that direction much anymore.

The NeWorlDeli is actually owned by the woman who is my daughter'ss girl scout leader and her husband. I think they got booted from downtown when the tech boom was on and everyone was bidding up space all over town.

If Rick Barnes is a regualr they need to rename his regular order and give him his own sandwich. how does "Final Four" sound? That would really be cool if there were four ingredients.

It looked like they had some good sides, desserts and what not.
yes, they didn't renew their downtown lease due to the ridiculous rate the owner of the building was asking, but there's supply and demand for you.

I'm guessing things are a bit different down there now.
unpainted- yes they are. He gets a couple of calls a year from landlords wanting him to open stores downtown now. But once bitten....

I am going to get addicted, had the soup andwich special today. i probably won't stop until i see barnes there!
you have to get the wheat bread w/ whatever sandwich you get. that and the broccoli cheese soup keep me going back. reubens are really good as well.
