New York

John Galt

100+ Posts
Obviously the wrong place to post this, but I don't feel like putting this up on Chowhounds and getting ridiculed/lambasted for such a broad question. I'm going to NYC for the very first time next month and am, so far, completely overwhelmed trying to figure out a menu for a nice Saturday night meal for me and my wife. I would prefer seafood, simply because Austin has such limited options in that respect. We usually go to SF for our annual weekend getaway, where I indulge at Aqua and the Tadich for at least two of my meals.

Any current or former New Yorkers care to provide a recommendation? We're staying right around midtown.
You didn't say what part of "midtown" you are staying in. Not that it matters but If you really want to go big Oceana is one of the best seafood restaurants anywhere.
Vong which is French Thai on 54th but they have a lot of seafood selections and its one of my favorite restaurants in the city. For something more moderate but solid I'm a big fan of the BR "chain" Blue Water Grill in Union Square (try the jazz room downstairs) or the sister Atlantic Grill on the upper east.

If you want any more suggestions or want to narrow your variables PM me or next2naus.