New sub-forums for Other Sports


There have been requests to separate out some of the things that are in the “Other Sports” forum, so I have created new sub-forums in that category for the following sports:
  • Volleyball
  • Softball
  • Golf
  • Soccer
  • Tennis
  • Swimming & Diving
  • Track
I think this will make it easier to get to the specific things that people are interested in without creating a bunch of new primary forums. I don’t see a need to break these out further into men’s and women’s sub-forums so let’s just combine those into the appropriate ones (golf, tennis, swimming, track). The Track sub-forum can be used for Texas Relays, Cross Country and Track.

Just select the sub-forum you want from the drop-down menu. If something doesn’t fit into one of these you can put your post in the Other Sports forum and we will see if that works well enough. Let me know if you have any problems or questions about this.

If you have a thread in Other Sports that you want moved into a sub-forum let me know and I will move it over.

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