Yes, I am dead serious. There is a new study coming out of Yale that clearly surprised the researchers. Rather than finding that climate skeptics were on average dumber and less informed on issues of climate and a basic understanding of Science, they found that it was the exact opposite. Needless to say, they are trying very hard to spin the results and make it about pre-conceived biases, but it is amusing to watch the spin party.
Here is a link to an article still trying to bash skeptics, but reading the comments to follow is just part of the fun:
Biggest problem with climate skeptics may be their confidence
evidently, on average we are better at math, better recall basic facts of science and better able to articulate our disagreement than those who accept global warming theory. having said that, those who are more inclined to leftward thinking can also become more convinced of AGW the more educated they get, so the sword does cut both ways.
Here is a link to an article still trying to bash skeptics, but reading the comments to follow is just part of the fun:
Biggest problem with climate skeptics may be their confidence
evidently, on average we are better at math, better recall basic facts of science and better able to articulate our disagreement than those who accept global warming theory. having said that, those who are more inclined to leftward thinking can also become more convinced of AGW the more educated they get, so the sword does cut both ways.