Turns out Anthony Watts, with the help of several others has released a paper showing that half of the warming between 1979-2008 (a period which accounts for ALL of the warming between 1942 and now) is artificial caused to poor station siting. When the poor stations are removed, we see a 50% drop in the temperature increase. Yes, this is only the US, but it is widely believed that the US has one of the most sophisticated ground based temperature monitoring systems in the world, so this does not bode well for the rest of the world.
Watts et al
Oh and before people try to minimize this because Watts was involved, look at the study and the methods. One of the guys one the team is a statistical genius who exposed the Hockey Stick graph.
Watts et al
Oh and before people try to minimize this because Watts was involved, look at the study and the methods. One of the guys one the team is a statistical genius who exposed the Hockey Stick graph.